Dopeman will eat 25,000mg THC on 4/20/2016 - video

Dopeman OG


Hey guys.

Dopeman wants to shut the anti marijuana's up.

Cannabis has never and will never hurt anyone.

Dopeman is here to prove it.

As a warm up Mrs Dopeman has concocted a 25,000mg THC dose.

Im going to put the 100ml solution into a chocolate milkshake and pound her.

My old lady will video the whole thing and keep a video diary of my experience.

Should have the video up as soon as its done. I may be feeling good, hoola hoopin for days, we'll see

No worries guys, Dopeman wont freak out, Dopeman will be fine and it will prove cannabis is harmelss.

Im Dopeman, I can smoke a pound in a single bound!!!

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Dude, you should have real media rolling this vid, otherwise it's just gonna come off as fake. Do you think folks are gonna believe your 25k mg recipe is legit...just cuz? If you wanted to do this right, you shoulda went "real" public and reached out to the media, not in a subforum @ RIU...IMO.

If nothing else, you'll prolly generate a few YouTube hits. Best of luck...
That's quite a bit of grapeseed oil and coconut oil for one sitting. I would hazard a guess that ingesting that much fat in one gulp with will likely make you throw up, thus invalidating the experiment anyway. I guess one could call that "gutsy"... ;)
Dopeman will be in downtown Barrie, ON at the heritage park gazebo on the water for the 420 party thats open to the public.

Where Dopeman will pound the drink and hang out for a few hours..

You will know Dopeman when you see Dopeman he is always in uniform

Call the media!

If we all call/email ourselves they will have to respond!

If you dont believe in Dopemans dose than bring an edible of your own, Dopeman will eat that too.

Smokin pounds in single bounds
I have known people to go to the hospital with cardiac symptoms, from smoking. it can also cause sencore (sensor synapse wave lengths) bradycardia/tachycardia to the point of syncope. among other possible things.

All depends on the person.

one thing is true, you can OD on anything. water, hot sauce, cigarettes, candy, 02, diphenhydramine, whatever....

this is monumentally stupid, it makes the cannabis community look stupid.

All medication/recreational intoxicants has censurable limits and should be consumed sensibly.
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Waking up to a 10 paper joint to get the day going!

Heritage park gazebo. 3:00pm


my objections withholding curiosity has gotten a'bit-o-me.

if the facts are true, I hope the worse that happens isnt something firehose action vomit cant fix.

good luck....and happy 420 ALL!!!
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I do love the dopeman pic they had hanging in the Buyers Club in Vic for years... good luck lol... gonna be a long painful day I suspect.

Happy 420 all!