DopeWears Outdoor Late Start...

hey dope, thanx for stoppin by my grow and the positive comments.

you look like your off to a real good start and i really like the strains. never heard of em before but they look fire. once those babies go into the ground they will take off.

ill deff be watchin till the end so we can compare like u said. but im no pro man your plants could end up way better than mine. well see.

good luck.
thanks florida and yah i dont know if ill put them in the ground or not what you guys think? those pots are pretty dam big!
deff put them in the ground. my outdoors have always done better in the ground. seems like they almost take care of themselves.. more like the natural way.
hmm well i may consider that then florida i just like the thought of ground insects have a tougher time getting to them... maybe ill go the purple pine berry in the ground.
:shocked: my jaw is still dropped. decent response in 5..4..3..2..1! Those look nice man! haha its amazing what natural sunlight does for growth!!
As far as the mystery topping is concerned, you have to keep in mind, those plants are outside... in the WILD man!! There is any number of explanations as to why a plant mysteriously topped... Most probable IMO wildlife came by and nipped at it, or a bug crawled up and snacked down on your top.

My advice though, growing outdoors? Don't top, the height colas get from natural sun is ridiculous, all that height later translates into weight. Of course, never grown outdoors, and never topped a plant outdoors, possible two colas would grow like crazy outdoors! Why miss out on that??

I often wonder if my posts are useful.. haha!! i present one set of thoughts, immediately contradicted by another. Too much herb tonight... or not enough?

:peace: and :hump:

clearly not enough shack... thanks for the wonderful comment, yah ill leave it a the intential top and the mystery top and not top any more and see how it goes if i like what i see ill do one or the other next year
hmm well i may consider that then florida i just like the thought of ground insects have a tougher time getting to them... maybe ill go the purple pine berry in the ground.

ive had lots of bugs and it makes no difference if its in a pot or not. if they want your plants they will get them. but if your worried about snails and slugs then put a small cup of beer next to the plants or crushed egg shells around them.
you could hybrid things a bit... maybe bust out the bottom of your pots, dig down 3 or 4 inches, and bury the bottom of the pot. still have the "protection" of your pot (the planter, not the plant) and the in ground space for root development.
you could hybrid things a bit... maybe bust out the bottom of your pots, dig down 3 or 4 inches, and bury the bottom of the pot. still have the "protection" of your pot (the planter, not the plant) and the in ground space for root development.

not a bad idea... id like to see how that would work out.
maybe mulch around the base of the pot after that procedure? encourage moisture retention once the roots escape the planter, also maybe encourage to LEAVE the planter and seek further development.

if you don't mind me going on, read somewhere from someone, about putting a "sponge"? in the soil below the root zone to encourage oxygen, basically an airspace is created, and being that it's a sponge roots will just pass through it, effectively aerating themselves... don't know that an air pump was involved, just that there was a sponge.... wish i would have saved the link or something, was very interesting. i'll see if i can find something for you.

:peace: and :hump:
that sponge idea is quitwe interesting shack i wonder if i get it in to cubes and mixed it in the soil would that be somewhat effective?
sounds pretty much like ghetto perlite or hydroton.

true. but the idea with sponge is that it HOLDS water, unlike hydroton or perlite. I guess both sort of hold water, at least it holds MORE i should say. also unlike the perlite or hydroton, its sponge so it soft and malleable, and roots could grow THROUGH it, as opposed to around it. by growing through it give itself an area of root mass that is consistently moist and sipping water/nutrients, because it sponge. also, what i read there may have been an air pump involved? almost like an airstone for soil? i can't remember where i read it, i tried finding a link with no luck. sorry d-dub!
yea sounds like something to try. should have mentioned i use peat moss in that way and it works out good for me. peat moss is kinda like a natural sponge.
Day 23 / June 1 / 2009 - Sprouts

just a photo update not much to say...


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Lookin good man!
They are gonna love the sun

Btw i havent updated mine in a while but ill take some pics tomaro you should stop by

They are now on the roof! getting Direct sun for a good 16 hours :)

All four are topped too

Alright, man.. I need some knowledge. What the fuck are you doing for deer and insects? I'm about to drop some 11-12 plants at 3 sites in the local park, but 2 sites are VERY active deer trails. I almost stepped on a baby the other day, scouting and I ran into 2 today. I cannot get my hands on lion feces (suggested in the FAQ.. heh).
you can get like wolf piss from an outdoors store or even out human air around your grow or some old sweaty unwashed shirts would work well too. ass for insects i havent had many problems but i did find these little plan bugs on one plant today i need to figure out what they are and how to get rid of them