Dorm room grow??


Active Member
Hey guys,

So i have been just kinda chillen and reading the forum for a while now. I was hoping to have my first grow when i go back to school so i dont have to grow in the rents house. I would like try and grow in some sort of box below my bed (my bed can be lifted about 4 ft off the ground). I figured if i got my bed near a window i might be able to fit a box that could grow 4 plants. Any thoughts on being able to grow in a dorm room and size of container would be much appreciated. besides that i thnk iv gathered enough info to have a pretty good grow from u guys.



Active Member
im just worried about smell and fan noise but i dont thnk it would be too hard make the box airtight and dampen the sound of the fans but seeing as this is my first grow im looking for some advice as to whether i could pull this off or not.
ps-my roommate is fine with it


Well-Known Member
Thats what Great About mini fridges is there natural seal. For the Exhaust go spend $50 and get the smallest sized Carbon filter they sell, and hook er up to the computer fan exhaust and youd be golden!!!


Active Member
i was thnkin more of working with wood...easier to manipulate than metal and wouldnt a mini fridge only hold like one plant once it starts flowering?


Well-Known Member
your dorm can and will be entered by ra's and repair men and the like. It is really stupid to grow in your dorm room, don't do it!


Well-Known Member
Thats more or less why anything more than a single mini fridge is really the limit for dorm rooms. ya know?


Active Member
my best friend is my RA and its a small school...cops r not allowed to enter a room unless u lock urself out and even then all they r allowed to do is swing the door open for u. still a bad idea? and i was looking to have like 4 plants...2 vegging at a time and 2 flowering. i was planning on building the box four feet tall because thats how much space i have under my bed but how wide would you guess for four plants?


Active Member
haha ok looks like ill have to settle for the fridge...i still have 4 weeks to keep brainstorming though until i get to school for preseason so if u guys get ne ideas let me know


Active Member
i was more worried about the noise...u dont thnk ill be able to vent out the window no problem? i was thnking of opening the window 4 inches and sliding a 2x4 under it and then having the hoses run thru a drilled hole in the 2x4...sound plausible?


Well-Known Member
I have a 3000 sq foot house and my small three plants smell even with the carbon filters and outdoor venting. I would advise against it, sorry bro~


Well-Known Member
I am growing with some bagseed a couple have almost no smell and a couple stink, remember no smell, no sell, no tell! The risks outweigh the benefits right now. Get an apartment off campus and then you can go to town!


Active Member
yea i was planning on venting thru a filter even tho im still venting outside haha i thnk as long as i can make the box airtight and figure out how to dampen the sound i should be good...just gotta figure out the dimensions of my box...


Well-Known Member
last year was my freshman year and I found a dank bag seed and germend it. no way in hell I would take the risk of growing it in my dorm so i told my friend to keep it and we would split 50/50 he kept it under the bed in a little pot and put some cfls wasnt a bad plant turned out male so i told him he could have my 50%of the balls lol. there is no way you could get away with 4 plants man the smell would get out. its not worth it trust me just wait a year like i did to you finaly get a apt


Well-Known Member
do not grow in your dorm. If you get caught you are done with college lol, or at least with the current college you are attending. Its not worth it, wait until you are off campus.