Double Harvests/Plants in darkness for last few days...


Well-Known Member
So then all the research that says don;t waste your CO2 during the dark period is wrong? you should be getting the nobel prize soon...
no need to pump a shit load of c02 in the dark..but they still need it and still use c02 in the dark.they get c02 from the fresh air and some soils even create c02..u want higher levels when lights are on tho


Well-Known Member
no need to pump a shit load of c02 in the dark..but they still need it and still use c02 in the dark.they get c02 from the fresh air and some soils even create c02..u want higher levels when lights are on tho
You are partially wrong my friend...not attacking you in any way but letting you know you are a peaceful manner and I hope this clears things up for you...

The dry matter in a plant is 90% carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. All the
carbon has to come from the carbon dioxide (C02) in the air. CO2 molecules are only necessary during the light times. Plants do not need CO2 in the dark period, and in fact plants breathe out CO2 all the time, just as humans do. The slight difference is that in the light period, leaves use up their own CO2 to make sugars and so appear to breathe out only oxygen in the daytime.
The more light available to a plant, the more CO2 it needs for photosynthesis. Experiments have shown that during photosynthesis, it takes about 1 a photons to make enough electrons to create sufficient energy to split one CO2 molecule into carbon (c) and oxygen (02) atoms and form a sugar. There are trillions of photons striking the plant leaves, so a grower must provide enough CO2 or else the photons will just bounce off the leaves without doing much.


Well-Known Member
k cool..they need fresh air all the time tho right? and fresh air has c02 right? and they open their stomates during the dark period and take in c02 and incorporate the c02 into various organic compounds to store it right? word.....i wasnt sayin turn on ur c02 during ur dark period just stating facts


Active Member
plants wont process co2 without light ... thus photosythethis is required.... guess you hit the limit of your cut and paste ability with wikipedia....
I fuckin luv it. +rep

So then all the research that says don;t waste your CO2 during the dark period is wrong? you should be getting the nobel prize soon...
Remember he knows a lot, all that wisdom he has acquired in all of 25 years should show us all a thing or two. I bet he has a Nobel to since you brought it up. Probably don't want to tell us for fear we will cower from his awesome wisdom.

ess hee kin two da lollipop mann?
thats classic UB i love it


Active Member
found the folling in an old post by ERB....

food for thought...
Most green plants are classified as either C3 or C4 which represents how carbon(C) is used during photosynthesis.

C4 plants temporarily store carbon dioxide(CO2) over the dark period to use for photosynthesis during the day. C4 plants slow down photosynthesis once the stored CO2 is used up and they need to gather it from the air. Which is why trees slow down photosynthesis in the afternoon even though the sun is still bright. This does NOT apply to cannabis.

C3 plants(cannabis/veggies) gather CO2 only during the light period when they are photosynthesizing. During the dark period these plants only use oxygen for their metabolic life processes. They don't uptake CO2, nor do they use it. As soon and as long as the light is on, C3 plants gather and use CO2 for photosynthesis.

C3 plants also have the ability to use higher concentrations of CO2 than what is found in the air. If the light is bright enough and the plants have sufficient nutes, their growth rate will accelerate from it(2000ppm vs. 400ppm of CO2), which increases yield. They can do this continuously, wihtout a dark period throughout the vegetative stage.

The dark reaction is a process of photosynthesis that takes place in both darkness and light. It uses ATP and NADPH molecules that hold energy absorbed from light to break apart CO2 into it's base components. Because it's called a dark reaction and can occur in the dark, some people(Jorge) have said darkness is needed for this to occur. This Is Not So.

Again people get anthropomorphic with their plant needs. People need rest, so plants must too. This is false as well. Light means growth. Scientifically. Although 18/6 will shock your plants less when you switch to 12/12, it's a personal choice whether you would rather sacrifice a little growth for a quicker adjustment or less photo confusion. If you want to save money or energy that's
a personal choice too. Do what you need to do to make your growing scenario work.
I make sure my girls get plenty of jizz and that keeps em plenty sticky for me..I'm with UB on the lights and why does everyone wanna make this so damn complicated!!!


Active Member
I make sure my girls get plenty of jizz and that keeps em plenty sticky for me..I'm with UB on the lights and why does everyone wanna make this so damn complicated!!!
It shouldn't have been complicated. The question was
I would like to know what your thoughts about going 24/0 darkness for last days before harvest(plant use whatevers left to synthesize nutrients etc?).

If that didnt sound like a moronic thing to say is it ok to do the double harvest even after the plants been without light for 3 days?
He was told with verifiable facts that its not going to do anything for your plant.

Some homo wanted to act bad ass and wikipedia crap and act "all knowing" But he in fact was made fun of by several people and has since stopped posting in here. Mission accomplished.

Sorry if it got "complicated" But some times you just can't fix stupid.