Double Main Stem? Does this look alright?? - Free seed


u've seemed to develop quite a following with your little freak were strapped in for the ride brother....hope its a monster fem with a frosty bush !!!!


New Member
i have cloned lots and got a 2 stem plants growin out of it b still trying to figure out how in the hell i did it ended up with 2 main colas and litterally 2 plants growing in one lol


New Member
i realize that M8 either way it looks like there no need to top that plant was just saying i cloned and got same outcome its all good


Oh yeah for sure, sorry got mixed up into what you were saying. I am stoked that God topped my plant for me :)

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
im gonna sub to this, i hope you get a fem, but if you get a male, try to breed with it, make mutant babies. maybe it can prove to be a beneficial mutation for buds.


UPDATE: 6/12

Hello RIU friends :)

This teenage mutant green plant ( ROFL? ) is 3.5 weeks from seed.

Growth has been slow, but I think it is going to be well worth it in the end if this is a fem.

Yellow has started showing on 2 of the leaves, and I have noticed purple stems.
The purple stems dont worry me as much as the yellow stems.

pH is 6.8

started organic nutes at 1/4th strength last week.

- My feeling about it, is that I have possible over watered it? or N burn?

Thanks for checkin out my post!



Active Member
Dude, you are overwatering to the maximum. I haven't seen one pic with dry soil, and this thread hasn't been going on very long. Let that thing get 95% dry, heft it (lift) and feel the weight. Water thoroughly ONCE, heft again to feel the full weight. From there you shouldn't need to water that thing but every 3-4 days. Right now, you're SUFFOCATING those roots and not allowing them to grow.

Also, to help the soil dry, rake the top inch of the soil with a fork and stick a fan near the plant to get a slight draft going.


Active Member
Here's what your soil should look like a day BEFORE you water. This is still a slight bit moist an inch deep. Perfect.



Yeah i started that technique yesterday when I noticed overwatering symptoms.

There is a fan on the plant 24/7.

Do you think the yellow is from overwatering?


Deformation is not a concern. This plant was started as a seed, and as you can see, it auto topped itself as a mutation.


Active Member
The yellowing is from nutrient deprivation. Your plant is starved of nutrients because it cannot breathe. Remove the massive amounts of water around your roots and follow a strict regimen. When you think the plant is thirsty, wait another 24 hours, and then water. Ensure that the roots are forced to search for water.

I was told one thing about growing in soil when I first started growing: "It is VERY hard to underwater your plants, and VERY easy to over water them"

As well, I can tell you're a new grower because you're in the "over" phase. Try not to over-water, over-feed, over-analyze, over-manipulate, over-stress your garden. New growers tend to over analyze everything and try to impart a million safety measures at once, which in turn slow the plant or kill it. Also, you have no reason to LST that thing so early. Let it get a little sturdy, and you and ease your way into training the plant through physical stress. Right now, that thing just wants to grow and you're not letting it. Set it under that light, and do not touch it for two days. TWO DAYS! NO TOUCH! Haha. Should pull through just fine :)




its been 20 minutes and I am already bored without touching my plant.

No but seriously, thanks dsmoke for the tip. I and DEF in the "over" phase. What are your thoughts about the 2 biggest leaves on the plant up top, do those usually stay like that?? Those were the first true leaves if I am not mistaken.


Active Member
You'll be good. No harm done thus far. As far as your plant, it looks insane. It seems to be auto-topping itself but producing fan leaves instead of new nodes. I'll have to keep watching :P


i hope not cuz i also have an auto topped.....actually i have 2 one was right in the beginning and the other waited for 3 or 4 nodes then split on its own. there in my grow journal if you look me up im about to take some new pics.