double tap root


Active Member
had a double tap root come out yesterday planted it threw it in soil and when i got home today i had 2 stems out the soil showing just threw it under the light

just wondering it yall seen this before one kinda yellow


Well-Known Member
yes, a few times, you have to either separate them or kill one, eventually the stronger one will absorb the weaker one.


Active Member
and one stil has the shell stuck on it and the one that doesnt is yellow is that normal for a double tap roott or should i separate now?


Well-Known Member
Normal.The yellow is the leafs with out photosynthesis so they are yellow. Not sure when you should seperate em never had it happen.


Well-Known Member
I had two seedlings come up in one jiffy plug....after they developed leaves, I just snipped the lower one without any disturbance to the roots.......since I have 3 other seedlings of the same, the loss of 1 or even two isn't an issue....I'll know in a few days what the "live" one will do....