doublejj's BIG 2014 greenhouse adventure Reloaded......

Ive heard of guys that used to run the wild ones down here in this area, get them down, cut their balls off and then come back and shoot them in the fall.

Apparently castration reduces the game flavor. The bacon I tried was pretty damn good, so I guess it's so, but I have never had bad bacon either! :D
This little beauty is on Craigslist for $1700. Put out a donatinon jar a the BBQ and have it pay for itself. 8-)
I imagine the license plate would read BBQ4RIU.
That's quite a pig roaster. We would have to have quite a few pig roasts to collect $'ve got about $100 in this one & it's roasted over 20 hogs....the black iron in the rebar is so well season from pig roasts, it's like an old cast iron skillet. I can leave it outside & it won't rust.8)