doublejj's BIG 2015 adventure.....

she's going to be huge Ruby! already the scariest dog on you street I bet. is she full mastiff?
Her mother is french mastiff and the father is bull mastiff both purebreds.
She has an awesome bark when someone enters the front gate and will put two paws on my wifes stomach and give that low pitched growl as if to say im protecting you guys ..noone else has that job but me.
Loves water and loves sleeping in our bed ..its piece of mind for me when im away working like i am now.
our aussie loves to chew on stalks. My shepard got into some preflowers i had buried in my compost when she was young. She got high as fuck. She won't touch it since then. or the compost pile.
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Yep its off limits to her ..that stalk i cut was only bout 5 inches to chew on while teething...on jjs advice back then it was only a small piece and no more :) cos i actually asked him first before i gave it to her ...all the rest rest of the tree stalks and branches went in the bird avairy cos they are noisy as fuck lol
I don't think it strong enough in the stalk to bother them but,who knows for sure without testing for thc. the aussie of ours is a dingo and goofy as hell anyway. she's 12 and my niece has been getting her high all her life. she's off the hook sometimes.