doublejj's Big 2017 Adventure...Wildwood Farm

Loose nuts?

Reminds me of the time when some buddies and I were in Tahoe at an ice cream shop. There was probably 5 - 6 guys in line, waiting to order and one very cute, teenage girl taking orders. As we stood in line trying to decide, the girl hands the guy at the front of the line his ice cream and says - "If you want to come around behind the counter, I'll grab your nuts for you."

I immediately blew out a testicle trying NOT to laugh and the guy in front of me turns and says "I'm having what he's having". Not exactly the proudest moment moment of my life, but I'm heading to Tahoe this weekend and every time we go, my wife wants to know why we always go to the same ice cream shop.

We'll probably also have a touch of alcohol -
