doublejj's next big adventure....Lone Oak Farms 2016

View attachment 3579015 Speed of 200mph on this dry lake each year....
Its also where they try the land speed records for motorbikes etc
We have one of those here in the states .
First Supercross of the season this weekend. Chad Reed is my only favorite left . My boy retired. Hope Chad beats Dungey this year and stays healthy. Moto up ,
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We have one of those here in the states .
First Supercross of the season this weekend. Chad Reed is my only favorite left . My boy retired. Hope Chad beats Dungey this year and stays have healthy. Moto up ,
Im not a real bike fan of any sorts but i took my youngest a few years ago maybe 8 yrs ago and couldnt believe how second rate chad made the other competitors look during the supercross nationals.
He was in a different league but hell i remember his bike smashing corners
LOL. He's like 2nd rate all the time. Second place Chad Reed . LOL At least when he used to place. But that was second to Stewart when he was on fire. Fastest man on the planet. Not anymore. Chad was the only one who could hold a candle to Stewart besides Carmichael til my boy came around. I sure hope Chad tucks one away this year. He's running out of time.

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We have one of those here in the states .
First Supercross of the season this weekend. Chad Reed is my only favorite left . My boy retired. Hope Chad beats Dungey this year and stays healthy. Moto up ,

I have a good friend who once made a supercross main, back in Jeremy McGrath's heyday, 15-20 years ago and was on ESPN and everything. He broke his back and pelvis in his early 30s in a wipeout while practicing triples in his back yard, which I witnessed, ending his career. Crazy mfer.
I have a good friend who once made a supercross main, back in Jeremy McGrath's heyday, 15-20 years ago and was on ESPN and everything. He broke his back and pelvis in his early 30s in a wipeout while practicing triples in his back yard, which I witnessed, ending his career. Crazy mfer.
Jeremy McGrath was my guy back in the day! Think he still might be racing cars or something. Used to think I was him ripping on my kx80 as a middle schooler. Lols. Good old days
It's funny you guys say that, cause I loved McGrath too, but the fella I was talking about, plus another friend who was a good amateur, knew him and raced him back in their their early days racing amateur AMA back when McGrath won the 125cc AMA National Championship at Loretta Lynn's. They both hated the guy as a person lol and claimed he was just so so as an amateur. Sounds like sour grapes. My buddy had a different favorite I guess, seeing how he named his son Ezra. :wink:
It's funny you guys say that, cause I loved McGrath too, but the fella I was talking about, plus another friend who was a good amateur, knew him and raced him back in their their early days racing amateur AMA back when McGrath won the 125cc AMA National Championship at Loretta Lynn's. They both hated the guy as a person lol and claimed he was just so so as an amateur. Sounds like sour grapes. My buddy had a different favorite I guess, seeing how he named his son Ezra. :wink:

Shits real in the amatures and 250 class coming up. A lot of bar banging , you don't win races being a nice guy. Lol
I am only an hour or so from Loretta's. Probably a less if not for Kentucky Lake/Tennessee River which makes for some long trips around in west KY and TN.