Down to Earths Blood Meal~ CA cancer/reproductive harm


Well-Known Member
I was at my local hydro shop today and was looking at Down to Earths Blood Meal, which is featured in Subcools super soil recipe. I notice a stick on the back that said something like this.

This product is know to the state of California to cause cancer and reproductive harm. Do not use with consumables.

Has anyone got any information about this. I sure as hell don't want to grow my cannabis with it knowing that sticker is on the back


Well-Known Member
There are fantastic alternatives to N and P guano, Blood and bone meals. Fish meal, fish bone meal, Alfalfa, etc.

Rising Moon

Well-Known Member
Anything that is a fine particulate, has to have that warning in Cali.

So, it must just be rather dusty, and you simply wear a mask so you don't breathe it in when handling it.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the responses guys, im going to ask the hydro store owner what he thinks. Seems logical that about particles


Well-Known Member
haha yeah they should have a warning on the air in the inland empire...

"This product is known to the state of California to cause cancer and reproductive harm. Do not breathe"

and the tap water for that matter...perchlorate anyone????? mmmmmmmm