dp blueberry & big bang.... first grow (cfl)@six weeks

Mr. Bitti

Well-Known Member
hook it up bro...ive been itching to see the big bang :) i got some of those seeds waiting for next round


Active Member
i have learned a lot from my first grow. the next time i will ensure that the pots dont restrict the roots, and i will definitely chop off the lower branches


Well-Known Member
very good to see a fine job by another envirolite grower, im using 3x 200 in very tight space, good for resin production do you agree.?


Active Member
very good to see a fine job by another envirolite grower, im using 3x 200 in very tight space, good for resin production do you agree.?
well my harvest is full of resin, but i added a 250w hps for flowering, so didnt do a cfl only grow. the plants thrived in veg though... the envirolights do the job very well.


Active Member
when i turned the lights back, i was using only the cfls for flowering....then added the hps. 2 out of my 3 cfls are blue, so probably wouldnt be enough light in the corredt spectrum for flowering. it was either buy more red spectrum cfls, or get the hps which wasnt too pricey.
you see i dont have any reflectors for the cfls, and a lot of lights was going to waste, so i thought the hps might be better


Well-Known Member
yeah man sounds right, when i first saw the plants i must admit i thought it was a bit much for enviros to do on their own but hoped you had discovered the way to use them to full potential, lol