DP Blueberry vets out there?

ok so i have two fem DP bluberry in week 4 and they are obviously 2 very different phenotypes, i have em in a homemade aero/dwc/fogger system under t12 6500k flouro tubes, im waitting on my 6" fan... running lucas formula at the 5-10 ratio with calmag and superthrive at ph of 5.8, what do yall think any advice on the phenos and how they may do? suggestion on training and possibly what i could expect out of these girls....


really no one? well i got my inline fan in today and set her up, some reason my temps are hovering around 82 with the fan on full blast sucking the air thru a cooltube and drawing it thru an open air cooled hood, they are 400 watt hps' any suggestions? its a 6" inline 340 cfm

H.R. Shove N Stuff

Active Member
I'am just about to start my Joeyweed BB's. I've heard DP BB's tend to hermie and vary widely in phenotypes. I also read a few posts stating that BB needs to be supercropped to get a high yield from it. Let us know how they turn out.

Are you running floro's or 400w'er?
looks good, did u lst or top? what were your conditions? lights? soil or hydro? nutes? how many watts, flouro's or hid? thanks id love to hear how you grew it. and possibly what that pheno was like, was it tall and lanky or generaly short and bushy, as you can see from my pics in the first post i got one of each id just like to see how they will grow.

Mr.Therapy Man

Well-Known Member
This pheno stays short(very little stretch) and has small sativa leaves with a nice up and racy high.Blueberry are picky feeders but this one turned out nice.This one was grown under a 430 watt HPS in oceans forest useing PBP nutes..I runa sog and this gal been in there with about 40 other plants,I run a higher watt lights in my main flower room....


Well-Known Member
I grew new true blueberry and 7 sprouted, I had 6 different phenos WTF!! 1 plant was OK the rest were very poor. I also grew the blueberry and was also not impressed. 3 pheno types in that batch.
