Dp master kush grow

The Plan:
Well, I have a mother 1 rooted growing clone
And 5 clones in dome Awaiting roots
The reason i have the 1 clone rooted and growing already is because the last clones i took almost all of them died but one. But the clones i took this time are doing much better

What i wanted to do was With one of the clones that are being rooted would be my new mother. I would take my old mother and flower her with the Rooted clones. I would Veg them for a week then flower.

I only have them under a few cfls. But when it's time to flower I'll bring the 400W hps lights out

Let me know what you think



Well-Known Member
umm dude u should really get more light on that big thing and start flower or ur gonna have a really tall plant


They look good. I have some smaller so cal masters vegging right now. Have you grown the strain before? I'm curious how the stretch, if any, is when they are flipped to 12/12. Happy growing!
They look good. I have some smaller so cal masters vegging right now. Have you grown the strain before? I'm curious how the stretch, if any, is when they are flipped to 12/12. Happy growing!
This is my first time growing this strain
They look and smell Tasty!