DP Orange Bud T5's lst


Active Member
dude those are looking very nice! the tieing down really helped the left one get a lot bigger looking and opened up more bud sites! the light looks pretty bright a lot brighter then i expected and the light looks very close! wonder how dense the buds will be?


Active Member
dude those are looking very nice! the tieing down really helped the left one get a lot bigger looking and opened up more bud sites! the light looks pretty bright a lot brighter then i expected and the light looks very close! wonder how dense the buds will be?
i am wandering how dense they will be as well, sort of hoping by doing this lst, that i will be able to keep all the bud sites at a even height and keep the light right on top of them, which in turn will meen more dense buds....guess i'm bout to find out what these t5's are made of.


Well-Known Member
Mate t5s will Make Nice Buds I Have a shelf grow uses t5s and i get nearly half ounce a plant
I ent never flowered any big plants under em But I Can See it taken a little longer maybe
Apart From That If You Keep Close To Plants Yourl Be A ok Mate


Active Member
been a few days since i updated, the 2 orange bud are kickin ass, i'm doin a little experiment. The plant on the right, i trimmed all its lower leaves and bud sites, as they werent getting much light, the plant on the left i'm just gonna let it grow naturally and see which one is better in the end.....i'll get pics up shortly!.....i also just got 18 clones that i'm gonna start flowering in 2 liter bottles, my room is full now!!!!:weed:


Well-Known Member
Maybe cut your lower leaves in half Mate Will Help Them Root Faster some people chop them off but id just half em but
Everyone to ther own lol
Lookin Good Mate


Active Member
The 2 ladies in the hydro, have both started to show white hairs at every node, shit is looking awesome. So far 8 out of the 18 clones have showed roots at the bottom of the 2 liter bottles. The rest of them are all looking good though so i dont doubt they are 2 far behind. I watered them all on monday, gonna wait til the soil is almost dry before watering again so the roots can seek out all the moisture in the soil. Also dont plan on feeding them at all for about 2 weeks, cuz I think this ocean forest soil should have pleanty of nutes to last for a while. Heres some new pics. enjoy!


[email protected]

Active Member
those look good i had five kush plants under a t5 just one t5 and i got half ounces per plant and low heat from the t5 and i was in fox farm soil 1.5 gal cont with canna aqua nutes...they work well


Active Member
Just wanted to add that every top u see is at least 4 nodes deep, so i think i should get some nice colas off these plants:weed:

[email protected]

Active Member
just about a moth. alltogether when they where finished the were about a foot and half give or take a few inches

im looking for some pics right now

and the bud was real dense maybecause i had it real close or cause its fullspectrum red & blue...

i have a 600w hps set up too i like the full spectrum buds better...personally


Active Member
those look awesome! In those pics, i might be mistaken, but they look like they still had some more time to go.

[email protected]

Active Member
those look awesome! In those pics, i might be mistaken, but they look like they still had some more time to go.
YAh when i took the pic i left them in there another week 7 days ...you think they may have needed longer? i cut the tops off and anyother buds that looked ready and i left those bottoms in the 7 more days so the bottoms got 9weeks alltogher may be they did need longer ....that was may third crop ever. still new i think...lol

these are the tops of the plant i cut off at eight weeks.....



Active Member
your plants are looking great man! those orange bud plants are freakin sweet! looks like you got some nice clones goin! cant wait to see how they all turn out!