DO IT YOURSELF... CO2 generator.
I consulted with some of the best growers on this site . I have researched intenseley through various websites. I have watched handfulls of videos about how to make a CO2 generator . I believe i have come up with some clarifications.
There are mny different ideals about how one of these units performs best.
I have heard variations on how much sugar, yeast ,light, exhaust, time ect.
There is a chemical reactoion between the sugar and yeast that produces the CO2.
To produce more co2 you need more sugar. But doing so you need to change out your solution more often. So you can go either way. I used 1 cup sugar to 1 tsp yeast and just under a half liter full fo warm water. (use a 2 liter plastic bottle)
To see if you are producing Co2 simply place the end of your tube in a glass full of water and look for bubbles.
DO NOT submerge you tubing under the yeast sugar warm water mix.. ahaha.( i did that)
Keep a nice tight seal with white latex silicone on your cap and tube so no co2 can escape.
To cut down on costs and get the freshest yeast. GO to your local natural food market and look in the refriderated section for bulk yeast. I got 5 tablespoons for 22 cents.

keep your yeast in the fridge.
This system is best served for small grow areas. I think i will use it for my phototron if in the future i need or decide to grow out plant in there. This is not ideal for a large area like my tent where my exhust and intake needs to be on all day.
The CO2 works best with light during the day when the plants want it most.
if anyone has anymore comments or suggestions about the diy generator please let me know.