Dr. Carson kicking CAIR's ass...... oh my!

Womanizing is my past time. I wouldn't judge for that.....unless you gotz uh bunch baby mommas....
I have read first person accounts about Hillary that jibe with what you are saying. It comes from dozens of sources.

Hillary is a stain on the Democrats.


Ben Carson claimed this week that he was once held at gunpoint at a Popeye’s chicken restaurant in Baltimore, and that he survived by telling the gunman to go focus on the cashier instead of himself. If that story isn’t disturbing enough on its face, the idea that he acted so selfishly and is now bragging about it, Carson may have another problem: the Baltimore Police Department says it can find no record of the supposed incident.

While numerous Americans have been robbed at gunpoint at some point in their lives, Ben Carson has had a difficult time getting mainstream Americans to believe his story. The primary reason: he’s made so many absurd statements about everything from slavery to the Holocaust to magic cancer cures to his disbelief in gravity, that many are unsure whether anything he says can be taken at face value. That prompted the media to try to confirm his story.

In response to those requests, the Baltimore PD posted via their official Twitter account that they can’t find any evidence of a “police report in reference to the incident.” That doesn’t mean the incident doesn’t happen. But with an unhinged candidate like Ben Carson making increasingly bizarre claims by the day, it would have helped his credibility if anyone could confirm that the supposed robbery really happened. But there’s the question: what’s more disturbing, the idea that Carson made up this story to try to promote his pro-gun agenda, or the possibility that this disturbing story really did happen? There’s also the question of what a vegetarian like Ben Carson was supposedly doing in a chicken restaurant.

In response to those requests, the Baltimore PD posted via their official Twitter account that they can’t find any evidence of a “police report in reference to the incident.” That doesn’t mean the incident doesn’t happen.


I like this mild mannered man, a lot. He DOES kick ass as needed and tosses the libtard political correctness into the gutter where it belongs.

Quoting him here:

Ben Carson: Muslims Target Me, I Am Fighting Back
Dear Reader,

Over the past week, I've come under attack from the media, the Left and even some of my Republican peers for saying that many parts of Shariah law are incompatible with the U.S. Constitution, and that I couldn't advocate a Muslim candidate for president unless these tenets were fully renounced.

But did you know that one U.S. Islamic group brazenly violated the law by attacking me?

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) held a public press conference demanding that I withdraw from the presidential race. They said I was "unfit to lead."

Here's the catch — CAIR is a tax-exempt nonprofit, and IRS rules explicitly prohibit such groups from intervening in political campaigns on behalf of — or in opposition to — a candidate.

I am demanding that the IRS immediately revoke CAIR's tax-exempt status for violating IRS rules.

This is not the first time that CAIR has disrespected U.S. laws or America.

It previously lost its tax-exempt status by failing to file federal taxes three years in a row. It's also been named by federal prosecutors as an unindicted co-conspirator in a criminal conspiracy to funnel money to Hamas, a terrorist organization.

Under the Obama Administration, the IRS has systematically targeted conservative nonprofit groups for politically motivated audits and harassment.

The agency should now do its job properly and punish the real violators of American laws and regulations.

I ask that you stand with me and the hundreds of thousands of grassroots donors who support my campaign. We won't be intimidated by the media or groups like CAIR.

Thank you for taking a stand.



Ben Carson

Oh.....the irony of CAIR, libs, and the Obama cronies. Bunch of crooks. :?

You go Dr. Ben! :clap:

hypocrite much?

the IRS also rules that all cash transactions be reported; you gloat that you do otherwise, unben.
Ben Carson claimed this week that he was once held at gunpoint at a Popeye’s chicken restaurant in Baltimore, and that he survived by telling the gunman to go focus on the cashier instead of himself. If that story isn’t disturbing enough on its face, the idea that he acted so selfishly and is now bragging about it, Carson may have another problem: the Baltimore Police Department says it can find no record of the supposed incident.

While numerous Americans have been robbed at gunpoint at some point in their lives, Ben Carson has had a difficult time getting mainstream Americans to believe his story. The primary reason: he’s made so many absurd statements about everything from slavery to the Holocaust to magic cancer cures to his disbelief in gravity, that many are unsure whether anything he says can be taken at face value. That prompted the media to try to confirm his story.

In response to those requests, the Baltimore PD posted via their official Twitter account that they can’t find any evidence of a “police report in reference to the incident.” That doesn’t mean the incident doesn’t happen. But with an unhinged candidate like Ben Carson making increasingly bizarre claims by the day, it would have helped his credibility if anyone could confirm that the supposed robbery really happened. But there’s the question: what’s more disturbing, the idea that Carson made up this story to try to promote his pro-gun agenda, or the possibility that this disturbing story really did happen? There’s also the question of what a vegetarian like Ben Carson was supposedly doing in a chicken restaurant.


unhinged and the epitome of 'stinkin' thinkin'

black baltimore is already for bernie!