Dr. Chronic not shipping to US?


Well-Known Member
I haven't bought any seeds online in a while but i really want to get some
Hawaiian Snow feminised, but i heard that drchronic announced that he's not shipping to the us? Well, is this true?

Also, has anyone bought a volcano from drC? They're the cheapest i can find at around $400. Is this the cheapest i can get it for?


Active Member
just my Bonkers from dr cronic last week.still shound ship too u.s.a. ,some sites claim not to for legal reasons.Still do though.


Well-Known Member
the doc is the shit!!! i hope he didnt stop shipping 2 the us, i aint ordering from nirvana any more they sent me some bunk ass wonder womans, 1 of my packages got took out the mail from the doc and he resent them the doc is the shit, and i just ordered some alaskan ice and ultra haze1 about 3 days ago i hope they come

Bubba Kushman

Well-Known Member
BC Bud Depot never sent my beans. If more then one member has had good luck with them I would like to know! I never hear good things about them. I know its the chance you take to get beans to the states. I and many other members recomend the Attitude. I have been waiting a month for mine. Im patient so maybe next week? I have had good luck with the Attitude and the Doc.


Well-Known Member
bc bud depot sucks dick!!!!!!! i spent dam near 300 and didnt get shit and when i emailed them they said theyd put me on a list, fuck bc bud depot

little dubbie

Active Member
Ya the Doc is the Ballz, they sent me three orders all with two extras in each one, got here in half the time they said they would. very descrete packaging


Well-Known Member
was that recent? i really wanted to get some hawaiian snow, i've grown niravana's WW and it was amazing. If dr.c is done with the US, i'm gonna order some more nirvana WW boi.


Well-Known Member

I don't see how BCBD is terrible at all. When did you last order from them?

I ordered my seeds in October, they took 3 weeks to get here by standard mail. 12 Femenized God Bud seeds, I germ'd 6 and all of them germd in 16 hours. They are about 2 weeks into veg right now and are looking beautiful.

I even emailed them during the time I was still waiting for my seeds to come because I was worried, They emailed me back the next day and told me how much longer it should take, when the mailed them ect ect

I know I could be a lucky exception but they didn't seem like a company that would have fluctuating reviews.


Well-Known Member
jjd are you in the us? i ordered god bud the purps and fem orignal blueberry and i still aint got shit and when i emailed they said they would put me on a list dont worry, it must be a long ass list cuz i still aint got shit, i wont chance bcbd again, I JUST HOPE THE DOC IS STILL SHIPPING 2 THE US, he does good business