Dr. Chronic seeds ?


Well-Known Member

if they find it leaving uk it is destroyed, customer looses out and so does sender, finito, the end thats it no more they wont send you a letter etc etc.

getting on the doc's back is not very good, he sends something too you that is ilegal in your country. some you win some you loose customs and cops start too learn the usual things too look for.

now if you was loosing stuff maybe ideas on stealth sending and other ways too hide product would help, instead of bashing the doc's bollocks !!!!! he is doing his best so maybe with ideas of other methods would help getting product too you.



Well-Known Member

if they find it leaving uk it is destroyed, customer looses out and so does sender, finito, the end thats it no more they wont send you a letter etc etc.

getting on the doc's back is not very good, he sends something too you that is ilegal in your country. some you win some you loose customs and cops start too learn the usual things too look for.

now if you was loosing stuff maybe ideas on stealth sending and other ways too hide product would help, instead of bashing the doc's bollocks !!!!! he is doing his best so maybe with ideas of other methods would help getting product too you.

True, what do you do though when emails go unanswered in attempt to do as you have stated, it was risk right, right. .so inform others of your experience try to provide better options and move on.


Well-Known Member
cant agree more.

you all have too be ahead of customs and cops. technology now allows for instant Xrays etc etc. there is only certain ways too send untill a bright spark hits upon another way too ship. im lucky as the doc is somewhat on my door step so my risk is less but still the same a risk.

uk had some rubbish weather and some flooding so maybe he is pushed at mo with all the english monsoon weather we having this summer. im not trying too protect him one bit or lick **** .

so come on what other ideas can be used for shipping.


Well-Known Member
If you care about your customers its very easy.
Notice we were one of the few Breeders to survive the CW/OG meltdown.
It all boils down to customer service and taking the time to do thinsg properly.

many of these sites you guys are listing up are not even operating legal seed companies in legal breeding countries so be careful.
Spain is one of the few places you can legally produce seeds and why we moved our operations there already.

Seedbay is not on the list of reputable seed banks IMO.
On good days you get what you order if Gypsys pissed or can scam you he will.



Well-Known Member
If you care about your customers its very easy.
Notice we were one of the few Breeders to survive the CW/OG meltdown.
It all boils down to customer service and taking the time to do thinsg properly.

many of these sites you guys are listing up are not even operating legal seed companies in legal breeding countries so be careful.
Spain is one of the few places you can legally produce seeds and why we moved our operations there already.

Seedbay is not on the list of reputable seed banks IMO.
On good days you get what you order if Gypsys pissed or can scam you he will.

Who is "we"??


Well-Known Member
Who is "we"??
He's proly from Spain or breeds seeds.

Back to da orig topic tho.
Not answerin emails is not cool but if customs get your seeds suck it up.
Yea its not cool but once it leaves the warehouse or w.e. it's out their hands. now if they sends you more seeds great but don't complain n ask where my seeds at bitch n shit like that.

Yea okay if it's been a month and u aint got ya seeds, I'd be like damn too where the hell are they.
But emailin them wont help you they gonna tell you what you don't wanna hear.. which is that they are in route or customs got em.

But you can't bitch n complain cause it's illegal in your country. Try another seedbank.
I've never had my seeds seized so idk how it feel but i know it's shitty when u lose money right down the toilet.

Taking your money and not even responding to you that they were shipped is shitty for any seedbank to do. Da doc,nirvana,mj-seeds.nl alltell you when they are shipped, so you gotta be patient.


Well-Known Member
Who is "we"??
subcool is a breeder...TGA Seeds. You can view his strains at Hemp Depot...and he also sells on BidzBay, but I've never bought through that site.

He is also an author with a book coming out shortly and writes for many of the popular ganja magazines.

And, he runs the sub-forum in the RIU Organics section.

Ummm...I think I covered it all. I have no idea who he is, but he has sure taught me alot academically about growing and strains.


W3 Z'

Active Member
cant agree more.

you all have too be ahead of customs and cops. technology now allows for instant Xrays etc etc. there is only certain ways too send untill a bright spark hits upon another way too ship. im lucky as the doc is somewhat on my door step so my risk is less but still the same a risk.

uk had some rubbish weather and some flooding so maybe he is pushed at mo with all the english monsoon weather we having this summer. im not trying too protect him one bit or lick **** .

so come on what other ideas can be used for shipping.
beanie babys...N E one eva try this shipping method?:roll:


Well-Known Member
subcool is a breeder...TGA Seeds. You can view his strains at Hemp Depot...and he also sells on BidzBay, but I've never bought through that site.

He is also an author with a book coming out shortly and writes for many of the popular ganja magazines.

And, he runs the sub-forum in the RIU Organics section.

Ummm...I think I covered it all. I have no idea who he is, but he has sure taught me alot academically about growing and strains.

Thank you very much :)

Yes TGA is a group of medical cannabis breedres.
We have won the top ten in high times 4 years straight and many medical cups.
We dont charge ridiculous prices for our gear and we deal with a small group of growers seeking not huge yields of leafy bud but quality medical strains that offer specific relief for certain ailments.

I also took the Bred the strain and took the shot on the cover of Big Book of Buds three.
I have been dealing with the seed industry for 2 decades and I pretty much built Hg420's customer base.

I know Dr's real name his kids and his wife so I am not just taling out my ass.
He was a great guy when things went smoothly.
When RC got popped and OG went down he got cold feet shipping to the US and left me and many customers hanging out to dry.

We BTW replaced all the orders he fucked the growers for out of our pockets because it wasnt there fault and they trusted my judgemnt in dealing with Dr Chronic in the first place.

He still has loyal customers but those are people whoese orders went smootly the first time.



Well-Known Member
well i have to say one thing, note me if im wrong, but cannabis seed's are öeagal most part's of the world, but germination is illeagal and some part of the world the decorate hemp/cannabis is leagal but if yu grow it some other think's like smoke or do some extrect then it's a illeagal.

so in the UK there is many seed selling place's, i want to know is hemp/ganja/marijuana seeds illeagal in the UK ? and those seed selling shops are many and those shops got adress and phone numbers at site's and nice looking web site's
so police could find them in a second and can close the shop, like if yu go to attitude seed bank site or Dr.chronic seed bank site yu find the adress and everything..

so i dont think police is not so stupid with that, they dosent use the internet.
so i think non germinated seed's are leagal in UK and seed selling
if yu go some market or big store yu can finde hemp seed's crushed or not
and those seed's are made to your food bonus like yu got many vitamins and minerals very healty.

many times those seeds are industrial hemp but not allways... so how is it ??


Well-Known Member
Thank you very much :)

Yes TGA is a group of medical cannabis breedres.
We have won the top ten in high times 4 years straight and many medical cups.
We dont charge ridiculous prices for our gear and we deal with a small group of growers seeking not huge yields of leafy bud but quality medical strains that offer specific relief for certain ailments.

I also took the Bred the strain and took the shot on the cover of Big Book of Buds three.
I have been dealing with the seed industry for 2 decades and I pretty much built Hg420's customer base.

I know Dr's real name his kids and his wife so I am not just taling out my ass.
He was a great guy when things went smoothly.
When RC got popped and OG went down he got cold feet shipping to the US and left me and many customers hanging out to dry.

We BTW replaced all the orders he fucked the growers for out of our pockets because it wasnt there fault and they trusted my judgemnt in dealing with Dr Chronic in the first place.

He still has loyal customers but those are people whoese orders went smootly the first time.

thanks for that history lesson, helps to understand alot of what's going on from my point of view, being new to the seed industry and growing. It's guys like you who look out for us the customers that will always draw me back to you and your product no matter what type of mishaps may abound cause I know that you are willing to go above and beyond with good intent.

Thanks :mrgreen:


Active Member
As a noob I took the chance an ordered from 3 different places. Nirvana, Doc, Attitude all within a month or so. My order from Attitude and Doc were about the same in size although the Attitude was more expensive. Attitude sent theirs in one package and I got it in about 10 days. I only got 1/2 of Doc's order and he told me the other half was shipped at a later date. No seeds and no letter on that half order.

I see a lot of angry people complaining about the Doc but let me throw this out there. Is it possbile the Doc is scamming on larger orders by busting them up into two? Maybe send the cheapest seeds in the first order and don't send anything on the second. Of course it would be easy to "claim" you have shipped them because you don't have to prove it. I'm NOT saying this is how it happens but just a possible senerio so the question is if you have or had an order split by Doc did you get the 2nd shippment?

What is a stealth anyway? If they were Xraying these I don't think any of my orders would have made it because I'm sure a trained tech could have picked them out. If they are doing the "Mr Wiffle approach" (ooopss showing my age) by squeezing, feeling and shaking the package it would be pretty hard to determine in my opinion so how do they check. Also if a package gets pulled by customs I sort of think it's the seed banks responsibility to replace since something must have stuck out for them to pick your package.



Well-Known Member
Did you try to insult us?

If you are trying to spell joke you spelled it wrong and failed to make a insult.
If you tried to make a sentence you failed.


Well-Known Member
That is a very good ? Rep+4u
as a noob i took the chance an ordered from 3 different places. Nirvana, doc, attitude all within a month or so. My order from attitude and doc were about the same in size although the attitude was more expensive. Attitude sent theirs in one package and i got it in about 10 days. I only got 1/2 of doc's order and he told me the other half was shipped at a later date. No seeds and no letter on that half order.

I see a lot of angry people complaining about the doc but let me throw this out there. Is it possbile the doc is scamming on larger orders by busting them up into two? Maybe send the cheapest seeds in the first order and don't send anything on the second. Of course it would be easy to "claim" you have shipped them because you don't have to prove it. I'm not saying this is how it happens but just a possible senerio so the question is if you have or had an order split by doc did you get the 2nd shippment?

What is a stealth anyway? If they were xraying these i don't think any of my orders would have made it because i'm sure a trained tech could have picked them out. If they are doing the "mr wiffle approach" (ooopss showing my age) by squeezing, feeling and shaking the package it would be pretty hard to determine in my opinion so how do they check. Also if a package gets pulled by customs i sort of think it's the seed banks responsibility to replace since something must have stuck out for them to pick your package.



Well-Known Member
well anybody knows where i can get for a nice price NYCD Seed's and same time purple bud and purple#1 seed's i need those in my storage.. they are almost finnish and i dont want to woke and see they all are males.. so i need more to keep my strain collection in produce..

im a strain hunter ;) lol who do some experiment's with the strains