Dr Chronics "Biggie Small" grow...


Well-Known Member
Ok gang, My Dr Chronic Biggie Small beans have arrived today.
I know theres a few folks who are curious about this strain, as it apparently remains "REASONABLY" short, so could be ideal for stealth growers or maybe those with limited headroom.....It also is supposed to yield very well for a short strain.

Here's the general info from Dr Chronic:-

Product: Biggie Smalls
Breeder: Dr.Chronic
Availability: Dr.Chronic
Big on production low in height. our strongest heavy handed indica forms a large single Kola and produces a sparking aray resin..a real flash back to the heavy aghani black days of the 70's, makes for potent bubblehash or oil.

Thc Content: dance hall stylee
Buzz: heavy hitter
Mix :indica
Flowering : 52-55 days
Height : Short
Outdoor Harvest: sept week 3-4

Overall Rating: 8
Potency: 8
Yield: 8
Ease of Grow: 9
Appearance: 9
Odor: 7
Taste: 9

Effect: Couch Lock
Cure Time: 2 weeks +
Stature: Medium
Indoor / Outdoor: Indoor
Odor of Grow: Medium
Smell: Sweet
Germ. Rate: 100% 3/3
Phenotype: 2 - Indica
Recommended: Yes

Vegetation Wattage Used: 80w Floros
Vegetation Time: 35+ Days
Cloning: Easy - Soil Method
Fertilization Used: BC Hydro Veg.

Bloom Wattage Used: 250W HPS
Flower Time: 56 Days +
Grow Style: Single Cola
Average Plant Height: 3' - 4'
Average Yield per Plant: 1oz +
Fertilization Used: BC Hydro Bloom
Description of Grow: Easy to grow

BEFORE the bitching starts, and we get into yet another CFL versus HID/HPS debate...This will be grown from start to finish using CFLs..I dont want to hear how great it would have turned out if i'd have used BLAH BLAH BLAH.
To be honest i'm tired of the debate, and this is more of an introduction to a strain some of you havent tried...(If a MOD wants to move this thread to the Journal section, thats cool, i just stuck it here so as many people who are interested might find it)

I have just started to germ 2 seeds (Unfortunately with the Keralas,LR2's and the Sour Diesel i have growing I only have room for another 2 plants)
I am germing in a Moist paper towel with Ph7 mineral water(Volvic), they are in a constant Temp of 23*c in a darkened closet...

Once they pop, they will be potted in 4 Litre pots with Organic Tomato Compost(Same as my other plants) with a good healthy mix of Perlite.
They will be watered using Volvic Mineral water, which has a PH of 7.
Nutes to be used after 5th set of leaves or once they start to show any signs of deficiency are
Bio-Bizz Grow for veg and Topmaxx + Molasses mix during flowering..
As usual the Nutes will be diluted,starting at 1/5th recommended doseage, gradually raising the concentration.
I also intend to veg for the suggested 35-40 days (possibly a lil longer if they start off slowly)

I'm not expecting to break any yield records here, just achieve some nice smokeable nugs , provided i get atleast 1 bitch...Fingers X'd..
I'll try and keep this as comprehensive as possible, and get as many pics all the way thru..for a blow by blow account

and finally please remember what i said...You guys play nice.

LETS BEGIN........



Well-Known Member
ok, checked the beans last nite before i hit the hay, and theyve started to crack.
theyre not showing the tap root yet, but it was REAL cold here last nite, and air temps went right down, even in the house, so i guess they mightve slowed up germing a lil...
i'll check back later this evening and see if theyre properly popped and the tails are showing.

*yawn* time for some caffeine methinks.........


Well-Known Member
Man - it would have turned out great if you had used ....

seriously though - that's cool you're growing a strain i've never heard about and will be watching this thread.

good luck and happy growing!


Well-Known Member
:) I left the beans last nite, just checked em and theyre fully popped, tap roots are showing.. gonna leave em til tomorrow and plant them in the compost...

I'd heard Dr C's germ rates are pretty high, and these certainly have "awakened" very quickly..they'd actually started to crack the shells after 4 hrs..



Well-Known Member
Day 3 - these suckers are ready to go....The tap roots are approx 12-15mm in length, i have just prepared the soil/perlite mix in some 3litre pots,the compost was microwaved for 4mins to kill any potential Nastys/spores that might have gotten into it since its been in the garage..they have 10mm of gravel in the bottom for improved drainage.. it was allowed to cool off and then the beans were rehomed 10mm down.
soil was given a light watering with Volvic(served at room temp)..pots then placed into the nursery, until they poke their heads out.
heres a coupla pics..

..the micro-grow box theyre in at the moment is 2ft(L) x 2.5ft(W) x 3ft(H)... it is lit by 4 26w cfls(3x6500k 1x2700k), 225 LED red/blue mix panel, and a 3x42w PLC floodlight(2x2700k+1x6500k)...
I possibly have another 1.2m x 1.2m x 2m(H) grow tent coming, in which case they will be rehomed in there...Jus waiting to see if the guy is a flakey MF, or actually comes thru with it....
Or ima have to put em in the other tent..after i rearrange it.



Well-Known Member
Day 5 -The cotyldon leaves have now poked themselves out of the soil in both pots..just over 24hrs from planting.
They have now been placed under a 225 LED blue/red mixed panel which will be on 24/0...... I will be leaving them to veg gently beneath it for approx 1wk, after which they will each be placed under a 2x26w 6500k PLC type CFL floodlight setup.

I will take pics of the progress from the LED panel,as i know some of you are interested in how well these things work... I mainly use them to gently break the seedlings into absorbing light...These LED panels do not necessarily need to be within a particularly close proximity to leaves..they work equally well if positioned 4-5" away from the plants...but by the time these Seedlings stand up and straighten out they'll be within 2.5" of the led tips, which is the distance i will try to maintain..

compost moisture level was checked, it was slightly on the dry side of things and so they had a lil splash of mineral water.



Well-Known Member
Very cool, I'm just starting with some Biggie Small as well. I directly planted mine and they took about 6 days to pop through. On about day 9 or 10 now, gotta check my notes.

Good luck, I'll be following this one!

Peace - OGH


Well-Known Member
didnt get chance to add this pic earlier cuz my isp went down while i was trying to upload...
cotyldon have opened right out and seedling has grown to approx 1.75" in 3hrs

Thanks OGH, good luck with your grow..i hope these things turn out as good as the reviews bout them.



Well-Known Member
lol...i just start them veggin under the LED...and i'm in the midst of clearing a space for a new grow tent etc,provided the guy delivers:|


Well-Known Member
The guy showed with my new tent yesterday, so i've mocked it out ghetto stylee, so i've got more room n shit..

After 5 days under the LEDs, i've jus moved the biggies underneath 42w daylight cfls...the first leaves are developing, albeit a lil slowly with the one plant, but hey i'm in no great rush here, yknow...and besides, they should perk up now they'll be warmer and gettin decent light outta the 6500k'ers.

here's a shot of each, and the tent complete with ghetto rig up.
I'll hook it all all up properly at a later date, just ordered some new lighting so figured i'll sort it when that stuff arrives.
Tent Pic- Biggie smalls on left side, LR2 in the middle and some LR2s on right under LED..Got more seeds germing now so,so theyll all have plenty o room




Well-Known Member
just checked on the Biggies, and thought i'd post a sorta progress report.
So far I have topped up compost level with the pot rims,still being fed a diet of mineral water, altho i am gonna add a tiny amount of nitro and mg tomorrow.

Biggie #1 is the bigger of the 2 and has a coupla sets of leaves showing, it seems to be reasonably happy at the moment, its approx 3" in height.... no signs of adverse growth conditions etc or deficiencies.

Biggie #2 is considerably smaller and less advanced as #1, same approx 3" in height, but leaves are not as developed,and around half the size of #1, although , it has shown some growth in the past coupla days...
New leaves are forming fine, no deformaties/deficiencies are obvious, its just slower..
Both are under exactly the same conditions, but i have heard that the females of these things, grow at a considerably slower pace, so fingers x'd its just a chick,and not anything more serious.

I did have a coupla problems with the fan in my grow tent, set it on slow speed, but for some reason it decided it liked whizzing around at mach2, drawing out any heat that was in the grow area instantly.
I've just changed the fan, and set it V slow, nice ambient temp in there now.

will post pics of the Biggies later cuz i gotta shoot to work in a mo..


Well-Known Member
oops forgot to post the pic last nite...so i just took another,here's the pic.
#1 is goin steady as ever....but #2 is defo showing signs of improvement, it has grown a lil since yday, and another set of leaves are emerging.



Well-Known Member
Looks like i'm gonna have to extend my intended veg time, had some major issues in the one grow room, that have set all of the plants back a coupla wks, theyre still growing just a lil retarded..If you wanna kno more about the situation, here's the link..
anyhoo,after a good flush they seem a bit happier, also gave a light misting of epsom salt solution...
But theyve suffered some leaf damage and look a lil sickly at the moment...Looks like nute burn, after the wife fucked up a watering while she was sitting them..gave em the mix for the bigger plants!
Anyhoo, i hope the biggies are back on track now, leaves are still developing, albeit slower growth than usual since this problem reared its ugly head, but theyre still alive.

Plants now have quite a few fan leaves forming, are around 5" tall, and already stink like fuck... i dread to think what these are gonna be like when theyre big and in flower!!!!!
If it smokes as good as its smelling at these very early stages, i'm gonna be a happy bunny!!!

I'll get some pics tomorrow and post em up so you guys can take a look at the temporary devastation...I'm just pissed its set this grow back a few weeks, i was hoping to flower eveything at the same time, looks like ima have to hold out til theyre a decent enough size.

Go steady ppl and enjoy the rest of your wkend.. :)


Well-Known Member
thanks.. I use organic compost and add approx 25% perlite, bottom of pots have a 0.5-1" layer of medium sized shail/gravel. helps with drainage, gets some more air to the bottom of the rootball and the little extra weight also helps keep the pots from tipping when they get top heavy in flowering.


Well-Known Member
heya.. here's the pics..the plants are lookin a lil sorry for themselves, but i think theyre on the mend.
Defo startin to stink the place up, before you could just smell the faint sweet aroma of the LR2s, but now there's a subtle skunkiness to the grow room, that is growing daily.
Ah well, i got nothin doin today, so ima kick back n read thru some of the recent posts and ingest me some cider.

Peace out :blsmoke:

