Dr. Greenhorn's Garden Isle Grow

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
this lady has started to flower about a week and a half ago. so much foilage. everday I have to manicure the old leaves off of her. she is becoming to be a chore....also this plant lies right beneath a coconut tree!! 2 times this season my plant almost got destroyed by falling palm fronds and coconuts. the last palm frond landed just 2 feet away from her, just yesterday actually. Damn, I'm a lucky guy! but seasons not over yet and palm fronds are still falliing, so I am not in the clear yet...........


Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
no matter how hard I try,,, these frickin plants just won't die!!! :evil:

I uprooted this male and threw him on the side thinking he would die off,,,,boy, was I ever wrong....but I shoulda knew that allready;) not like this was the first time it happened.......and who the fuck said growing maryjane is hard????? guess I am a lucky guy:leaf: :mrgreen: I gotta kill this dude now though, don't wanna be a seedbank, well I do, but not just yet;)



Well-Known Member
What up and good mornin peeps.
They look to have weathered the storm well doc. Even the male.lol.
Just found a cool method for smokin hash.
So I am feeling right.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
shoots bro! hey man, the GDP is getting huge!! I'm gonna make a few clones then I'm gonna plant the mother into the ground...she will be massive!!! pics in a second.....

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
2 hijack clones, 1 GDP, 4 bagseed strain/same strain, a mini bushmonster.

they are all out of order so y'all can figure out which is which on your own:leaf: the bagseed strain got nute burned.. I guess it is a light feeder, on the other side of the spectrum, the hijack is a bigeater!! it loves the Nitrogen I am pumping her. when I cut the hijack clones, they were flowering. so it took awhile for it to turn back into veg state. it went through all the funky, weird leaf growth and now it is totally back into veg state and really taking off!! I love me some hijack!:weed: also I will cut 2 clones of the GDP. if all goes well, hijack and GDP will be regulars in my rotation. they will be mainstays......almost forgot!! I got 2 malawi seedlings. I germed 5 but only 2 made it.. this is gonna be real fun growing these beans.



You still on the BI doc? I'm headed to the Mainland later today. Be gone a few weeks. Hope the crop thrives.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
thanks green cross.

on a side note, the helicopter is still flying around my house, I must be one of the dudes still under survellence......

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
I really wish these pussies show up at my door......it's almost borderline harrasement!!!!next thing you know, this dumbfucks will set me up!!! crooked fucking people we got here..... the truth shall always set me free......like I said earlier, jAH is watching over me...I can feel it...

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
for those of you out of the loop, there was a green harvest on monday and tuesday....they really want me though,honest! too bad I follow the LAWS!!!! ahahahahahaha:hump:

dr. greenhorn~1

the 'darkside'~0

shall we play best of 5? best of 7? :lol:
and actually up 2 to 0.....there was another green harvest earlier in the year....that one was a big waste of money....they barely got shit on that one.... imagine how much monies it's costing alll of us to keep these helicopters flying overhead????is it worth it???? I mean labor, fuel, etc, etc, etc,.......I guess we have a lot of money to waste.....

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Hey boss, I got good news!! I am 99% sure the GDP is female.. Gotta clone her now... But I think my GF threw away my aerogarden!! She says she didn't but last time I looked, my aerogarden didn't have legs!!!! Fuck.:wall:

I guess I gotta do em the old fashioned way then.....:fire:

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
hey gang, I've been going through a bit of some personal problems lately.. it will probably shake things up BIG TIME. not probably, it will........sometimes in life you have to look around you and shake off the negative things in life or else the negativity will consume you. and I'm at that point in my life.....I won't be on to often in the meantime,,,,,until my issues are resolved. but I am totally okay though:mrgreen: Cya guys every so often......RIU rules, always. Much love and mahalo everyone!!