Dr. Greenhorn's Garden Isle Grow

Morning Dr Greenhorn, I finally see the purple in those pics. Effort on your part for sure. Thanks.
Looks like good medicine.
aloha dr.g. very nice. you have a hell of alot on your plate, I swear you doing 3 different grows. why not yea, shit more time then money yea?. love that purple.
Wow, that took me a awhile to catch up on this thread. Looking great there Dr. Got some growing on your hands this summer from the looks of it.

How that Powdery Mildew Stuff by Bonide work out for ya? Need to find me something similar to control the PM on my girls.

My girls just sprouted and are showing much promise for this season. Need to take a pic of the Green Monster I got. From the looks of the seedling I'm in for a ride growing it.

Couldn't remember what I was going to ask, but now I do!!!! When you prune the roots you said you see significant differences compared to other plants left unpruned? Always wanted to try, essentially the above ground part of the plant stays the same size and vigor, but the roots get a trim and allow for fresh roots for nutrient uptake; makes sense. Gonna try this on one of my clones going in ground sometime this month.
aloha gang! thx for stopping in doctord, when I get sick, I need a another dr. to fill in for me :) LOL !

hey craca! glad you came by again! I haven't tried the bondide yet, I bought it after the fact :( but I read punas thread and it made me feel a lot better that I had purchased the product....I was having mold issues too!! I think most of us in HI do :)
yeah man, .....when you prune the roots, its makes the foilage above ground fill up and grow much fuller and better.....cause when its in the pot or bucket, all the roots shoot for the sides and once they hit the sides, they just start hugging the sides and waste all the primo soil in the middle......pruning and using microkote will push those roots inward :)

ive heard you have bad mold issues down there in HI.. that sucks... no good at all... feel for ya for sure..

wish i would have known more about root pruning earlier... im getting ready to switch over to hydro... but it would have been awesome to know about 3 months ago... :lol: im the king of bad timing tho... someday i may switch back to organic tho so at least its more knowledge at my disposal!
aloha SS420, much mahalos for stopping by.. :) hopefully I don't have issues this season.........another problem I have is leaf miner!! its not really bad where its hindering the plants, but it is something that bothers me :( leaf miner, for anyone who dont know, is the little burrowing tracks you see in the leaves......
good luck with the mold this year... hope you have a smooth grow... leaf miners huh?? what causes that?? its always interesting to compare problems from region to region... mites are HORRIBLE in my region (northern IN) its typically dryer and warmer which makes those little bastards happy... so i have to keep an eye on all my indoor summer crops to make sure they dont get them... its a pain...
its from all the little insect and bugs flying around.....I guess they hatch tiny larvae or something and the larvae burrow through the leaves.....especiallly if I put my pots by the grass....I try to keep them in the middle of the cement
Well since i grow in the woods i got a bunch of critters good critters i have like green spiders and geckos and found a ladybug on one of the plants keep all da bad away and protect my ganja lol
right on bro....we got choke *plenty* geckos here in HI...alot of people from the mainland never seen them before

sup potninja!!
Ya the gecko was blendin in with the stem it was tight. Im good bro ur grow has been gettin popular cause ur da docta lol!!!
they last a while... maybe they a while in the fridge and not freezer.. hell i dunno.. never tried to save them before.. guess its worth trying one way or another...
yeah man :) anything to help the ladies is worth a try :) gotta head to work in a minute..... been home so long I lost my drive to work :( doesn't help either when I'm working solo.. Oh well have a good day everyone and stay green!!