hahaha....no pictures, just updates.. sadly, the chocolate diesel isnt gonna make it... a slug ate the seedling...fuck.. oh well, also I gave a few of the bagseed strains I was growing away cause I was pushing the plant limit and I was a few over....
here is a funny story....
ever since I started this journal, I honestly can say air traffic has picked up around my area. helicopters flying every now and then and a certain plane that goes and looks for growers to rat on them...island is small, everyone knows who this prick is...anyway he been flying at higher altitudes this past few weeks and I know he is looking at my pottted crops...welll something told me to move them and hide them yesterday morning....so I did.. I read my horoscope that morning,it said to be very careful and listen to your intuition. hmmm...at about noon I hear a plane in the distance and it is approaching and I can hear that its low, very low...so I go outside and wait for this bastard..sure enough, he flys over my house very low, below FAA standards low..I make eye contact with him and give him the finger...honest! he then sees what I'm doing, notices there is NO plants, *probably feels like a dumb ass* and takes a 90 degree turn when he sees my finger, and heads off in the distance.. I get my camera to take a pic of him on the next flyby.....he never returns...I go into this morning thinking I'm gonna get raided at the crack of dawn.....nothing...I was hoping they was gonna come..they have nothing....as far as building a case on me, that is
Oh yeah, I know what they're looking for,......my clones!! hahahhaa....wouldn't it be funny if it was a lie?! the clones I mean? till this day, they fly over that mountain range I posted when they never did before....wouldn't it be funny if I posted a different mountain range to fool people?
this is a true story though.....DR. Greenhorn is no liar.............