wassup guys!
hey craca, whats cracking?

your right bro....gotta wait on the pictures....I would love to share but you hit it right on the nail, better safe than sorry!! maybe when this season is over and I fly to Maui, we can talk story

I would like to see the hijack make it statewide.....it is a perfect plant for our conditions.. I'll try to post some pics of the hijack later today........
Maui is always open. I want to start growin strains that I actually know the names of rather then random seeds from friends and bags.
What soil you use? Sorry, from the close up pics of the chocolate diesel seedling I say the soil. Looks like Happy Frog or Black Gold?
I personally use black gold now, but may switch back to happy frog because the Peat moss in Black Gold when not kept wet constantly will dry out and become one solid piece and not allow for water to soak in and penetrate (Just runs out the drain holes out the bottom.) Had great success with Happy frog last year so I like both.
We got self-righteous guy overe here too that flys his plane rriduculously low and searches for people grwoing. He gets away with it because his plane is an ultra-light. You don't need you pilots licence to fly it and can take off from you own house if you have a long enough run way; they also don't have limitations for how low they can fly I think, but don't quote me on that. Sounds like a lawn mower until you see flying around and doing the rounds over the area.
Go check out what I posted about the heli's in the Hawaii grow thread, sorry to lazy to post it again. It was intense the other day over here.
The one strain I know the name of is Green Monster and I got it from a friend. Don't know if anyone else has seen this before, I sure as hell haven't but the seeding sprouted up with 3 leaves instead of 2 and is continuing that number as it grows.
Pic 1 - Seed started the other week (May 27th)
Pic 2 - " "
Pic 3 - Green monster after just sprouting
Pic 4 - Green Monster again, Started May 27th, Crazy leaf structure.
Any one see a Tri-leaf like this before? I have yet to come across it till now.