robert 14617
Well-Known Member
don't mess around and get hospitalized on us doc, get well soon
LOL,,,I was just at kkdays house and I saw his costume, He wasn't lying! there IS gonna be a 6'1", 300 lb. Rasta skanking the streets of waikiki!! Sick costume brah,, really trickWaikiki baby! Look for the 6"1 300lb Rasta with dreads to the knees an real pakalolo leafs tangled in there. Hope I don't get busted for leafs!! Lol
don't forget, updates on Saturdaystay tuned gang
not in here, in the cannabis cafeyeah it was wierd i couldnt log on for like well since my last post...i should greet the newbies you are right how rude of me!!!!!hello new ppl and welcome to THE bestjournal on the web...not just this site!!!