I've got some information for you. I am a semi expert of termites and have had multiple attacks on different occasions.
It's bad news I'm afraid. Termites cannot be stopped on their home turf. They own the substrate my friend. And a mighty purpose they do serve. You will end up having to poison ur grow to get at them, but I'll bet my bottom dollar you won't get the queen, which means only temporary reprieve after you have done a scorched earth application.
You can go online to garden forums and hear about entire tomato gardens going down. Something I never thought about.
I did save half of my grow this summer by digging them up and moving them into pots and then wicking out the remaining termites each day.
That's the only good news, you can save them, but u'll have to dig them up to do it. They can take a plant down in no time and once zeroed in on ur grow, they will be relentless. They are eating as you sleep, 24/7/365.
If you do dig them up and want to wick them, let me know, I'll tell U how.

there's a trick to it.