Dr. Greenhorn
Well-Known Member
yup. did you just hear the sirens go off again DocD? and where I'm at doc, I pretty much got the same ocean views that you have, just at a different angle. I'm watching

Six foot tsunami waves are indeed dangerous! There can be vast structural damage and death potential. Much of the destruction and deaths in Sumatra were from waves such as these, from the force with which they rush inland. (I'm sure many know this, but I know that many don't. Hence my "reporting" it here.hahha! well, listening to the initial reports from the islands it allready hit, it doesn't sound to big, but with the media, ya never know! lol
..I think I heard a report of it hitting australia,...or was it samoa, I forget, I was stonedbut anyway I hear it was only 6 ft. waves w/swell whatever that means. I can surf 6 ft. easy
I'm so relieved to read in one of today's posts that you're at a higher elevation! My thoughts go out to everyone, but I do hope that all your friends and loved ones are OK!SOURCE: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/02/27/AR2010022701580.html?hpid=topnews
"Six feet is a lot. Tsunamis have a lot of force behind them," Jenifer Rhoades, tsunami program manager for the National Weather Service.
"My best analogy for you is to think of a flash flood coming in with potentially very turbulent water. It could have debris in it. Six feet was some of the inundation heights for the Sumatra event in 2004. It's very significant and dangerous," Rhoades said.
hey dude, thx for the kind wordz. I seen this in another thread. this your first grow? fucking awesome!good luck doc. I hope nothing bad goes down.
I think it's the bubba kush SICC! lol![]()
^^^ if only a meteorite would crash on the house of congress and representatives