Dr. Greenhorn's Garden Isle Grow


Well-Known Member
ok i seen um on da big screen mean!! heres the plan when you harvest that lady i going tell my other half i get one side job kauai and fly up for help trim!! trim party!

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
for reals man! the hijack should be harvested by then and cured. by the way, that big plant is a strain that was grown in Kauai a few seasons...I got clones of that too...gotta search out for more Aina my friend...your gonna need it. hows buddys plot anyway, did you take over ? if you did, you got your hands full. I went up there with him once. nice patch hawaiian


New Member
Cracker, you'd better love your dog enough to recant!!! Let them eat the damn bunnies that eat all of my plants dammit!!!---for that matter, the deer that cost me an astronomical amount of money for "blindly" running right into my headlight.....thus, not passing inspection....and costing me close to a grand!!! I no longer love Bambi.
My dog? My hounds don't bother the Coyotes at all. Hey, it's all nature out here, I don't interfere. What happens....happens.

Are you sure your headlight didn't run into Bambi and not the other way around? :lol: I've had some close calls.

Great pics DocG. keepin it green!

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
morning cracker, I got more pics coming up in a few minutes, forgot to post em lastnight, I was to busy having fun on another thread ;)


Well-Known Member
Hello and a good morning to all.
That Hijack is the shiznit doc. awesome job bro.
From you sounds of it. You and your friends got the gorilla all hooked up out there.
I have got to do some outdoors.
Electric out here is insane. 900$ a month.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
okay. here is the buds on the topsy turvy, once again sorry for the hair in the shots .........:joint: by the way, each picture is a different top, well almost:peace:.....and once again, sorry for the shabby quality, the topsy kept moving and I don't have a steady hand

hi boss, $900 a month?, yup you gotta get an outdoor going to balance out those figures man. if I had an electric bill like that, my GF would kick me outta the house!!! dope or no dope! hahahahaha

got an extra room by chance? heh
enjoy the pics gang!



Well-Known Member
She is beautiful. Those colors are very pretty.
Did you bring her in from the rain?
Let me know if you ever make it out to cali bro.
You got a place to kick it here.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
thx for the offer bro. and no, I just left her outside....I wasn't about to get myself wet either! but she is developing really fast. must be predominantly indica. being that we only get 13 hrs. max sunlight here, everything flowers early too. my hijack is going off right now, flowering mode a few weeks in allready and fdds trees haven't barely switched over yet, as far as I can tell...I can't wait to smoke her...

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
random pictures.....

my tray of seedlings, sea of green I guess, local style
gdp and the damage some bugs were doing to it. this is a COMMON problem for me here :(
a mother plant, a copy of my bigger plant in the yard
hijack clones. can you belive I started these clones off in the aerogarden?! hahahaha

sorry the pictures might be all kapakahi *messed up and out of order* I was trying to load pictures and do some researching on another window all at the same time.....you right CJ, this is like homework!! LOL

if you look closely at the pictures, you can figure out on your own which plant is which



Well-Known Member
aloha my dear. great shots, lucky 'oe.
we really need some rain over here, just not so hard, yea. you sure have a great following going. so much aloha.
you have a good day, my dear. aunty loves you. aloha.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
thanks for cracking the whip and getting kkday on my thread aunty, I was wondering if big boy would ever show up!!! :hump: I still remember the LIMU KOHU aunty, no worry!!hehehehe love you:peace::hug:


Well-Known Member
Doc I like some too please if can. No can fine on Oahu. I was on big island and every store had so I figure grab on my last day but come Sunday no one had!! All sick