Well-Known Member
I'm burnin down some strawberry cough.
Hello all.
Hello all.
hey boss, hate to break it to you, but I don't think fdd's real name is kurtThe part were his initails are carved shows just how big they are.
He grows friggin trees man.
He has my respect.
Even if he is a little kurt.
you can grow trees like this??? I call BS!!! lol just playing babs, I have faith in youand yes, when I seen the video, I had newfound respects too
Heheheh....I'm confident with reason.
No need to go neutral on me.
Hoola hoop girl on the left, eh?
April Fools? HAHAHAHA
I do...ja know?appreciate your opinions and views bab! thx for looking at the video! it's my morning routinegets me in the right state of mind,,,,Jah Know!
::bagseed here:::morning boss,,I'm toking on some kush