Dr greenthumb hangs up on me

I have placed many orders with Dr G and always been satisfied, wish he woulda kept his Durban Poison going though. Oh, his Niagras were well worth the 35.00 a pack he used to charge.
Doc can be gruff, but you would be too if you had to field hundreds of calls from people picking your brain about some stupid (or important) thing on THEIR mind. His genetics are solid, Iranian Auto, Ghost and Bubba OG are the only ones I have run but they all performed beyond expectation, in fact the bubba og is one of my all time favorites! He is a business man, I am too and frankly I don't have time for everyone who calls me asking some silly question. Ask yourself this, if he needed the business because his genetics weren't what he said they were, would he hang up on you and say eff off? Probably not. Shell out the dough...each seed costs what a good clone would and has so much more potential.
Anyone is entitled to have a bad day. Having said this, I agree with the "tire kicker" comment...nobody likes people who like to waste your time. Some have shorter fuses and maybe he just doesn't give a fuck about losing a sale to someone who rubs him the wrong way. In the end, like him or not...it all boils down to good product sells itself.
Doc can be gruff, but you would be too if you had to field hundreds of calls from people picking your brain about some stupid (or important) thing on THEIR mind. His genetics are solid, Iranian Auto, Ghost and Bubba OG are the only ones I have run but they all performed beyond expectation, in fact the bubba og is one of my all time favorites! He is a business man, I am too and frankly I don't have time for everyone who calls me asking some silly question. Ask yourself this, if he needed the business because his genetics weren't what he said they were, would he hang up on you and say eff off? Probably not. Shell out the dough...each seed costs what a good clone would and has so much more potential.

I have to disagree with you there. It's kinda of his job to field questions, on things he is selling. But he has never been rude to me, he didn't kiss my ass or anything, but was always open and honest with me. He might not have the best personality for costumer service, but he has a personality I trust, along with the best product around! And as long as you treat him with respect, I promise he will show the same. I hope to be his costumer for a long time!
LOL its not his job to field questions, do you call Charmin to ask them how to wipe after flushing? His job of choice happens to be selling and if you don't know how to properly grow 200$ worth of seeds I suggest cutting your teeth on something cheaper and more forgiving. Also who the F freezes and forgets their address when buying a product requiring shipping. Lame post - GT hater looking for groupies. I'd hang up on your simple ars too.
LOL its not his job to field questions, do you call Charmin to ask them how to wipe after flushing? His job of choice happens to be selling and if you don't know how to properly grow 200$ worth of seeds I suggest cutting your teeth on something cheaper and more forgiving. Also who the F freezes and forgets their address when buying a product requiring shipping. Lame post - GT hater looking for groupies. I'd hang up on your simple ars too.

I do not see how it's not his job. He posts his info for people to talk to him. If he didn't want to have any interaction with his costumers, I am sure he could figure it out. It's his business, and it's his reputation on the line.

i have never said anything bad about him as he as always given me the respect I have given him. If he just started being an ass to me I would take my business elsewhere! But to say it's not his job to field questions, when he gives you access to them makes no sense.
You know, now that I think about it you are right; I myself was in a bad mood when I posted. Sorry about that Bro... Customer service is critical.

Anyhow just wanted to reply back and say sorry for coming across as an ass.
You know, now that I think about it you are right; I myself was in a bad mood when I posted. Sorry about that Bro... Customer service is critical.

Anyhow just wanted to reply back and say sorry for coming across as an ass.

no no offense taken at all, just trying to show a reason for my thinking! This snow in the north east is killing the delivery of my order!
i've posted here more than once about doc greenthumb. i've been a customer of his for over 10 yrs. "never," had a single problem, not one! if you don't know what info. you need prior to ordering anything over the phone, it must be your first time! considering what happened to emery, i'd hang up too, from a sketchy sounding call from the u.s.a. as stated, try calling any of the other places and start asking "how to grow," questions. i've gotten free beans on more than one occasion. he's sending me some free ones as we type, to test grow for him. hell, i can't even get attitude to replace the order they screwed up on recently that i paid for. as for fake strains, hilarious...

Dr Greenthumbs????

I have run his gear with great success and even posted a grow journal here on RIU for his Iranian G13. I placed an order last may which did not arrive forcing me to cancel credit card payment as the Doctor would not replace the order, at that point He proceeded to leave threatening messages on my answering machine scaring my wife and son. The calls ceased when I contacted him and informed him that I recognized his voice and played one of his messages back for him!

What kind of a "Dumb Fuck" leaves threatening voice mails?

He lost my business for good!
I ordered 10 ESF seeds from GreenThumb (GT) a couple of years ago and only 2 germinated. I am/was quite experienced but called GT just to ask for tips. At first he was gruff and quite short but after a few calls he offered to send me new seeds if I returned them all. I didn’t like the idea seeing as how it ran across international borders but I did anyway. After about 2 weeks GT called me back and said he was sending a new batch at no cost… even shipping. After waiting another 2(ish) weeks I received a batch of 15 seeds and hit 100% success with the ones I did germinate.

Overall I would say I talked to the doc 7 or 8 times and noticed he warmed up around the 3[SUP]rd[/SUP] or 4[SUP]th[/SUP] call. Please keep in mind he runs a business not yet legalized fully around the world. If I were him I would probably be a little bit distrusting and short at first as well. Think of it this way, Tommy Chong was arrested for selling legal pipes out of California to someone in Pennsylvania (Fed Sting Ops). With the weight the U.S. carries with the Canadian Govt. he could be extradited if the U.S. really wanted him. Personally he is taking a risk so I offer the benefit of the doubt and remain appreciative of his open, while gruff and expensive products/support.

Now if I were buying a cup of coffee I wouldn’t put up with it; as I mentioned earlier customer service is critical.
Dr Greenthumb is an idiot... About 10 years ago the guy was going to do a strain trade with me. He sent his first and it was intercepted by Customs with the green tape (only time in my life I got the green tape in 30 orders.)..

I chewed him out and told him, YOU LOST THOSE bx3 seeds, forever.. Idiot.. Personally, I would never beg some P.O.S. for what I rightfully own and paid for.
^^^why is he the idiot?^^^ orders get intercepted all the time. just ask anyone who uses attitude...

1 interception in 30 orders from different seed banks and breeders.. It was because he didn't give 2-flying farts about security and safety.. IDIOT... That was the ONLY time I gave that idiot my safe address and he fucking blew it. I have given it to 10+ other breeders and seed banks on 30+ different occasions. Dr. BrownThumb's single offer was the only one intercepted...

This tell me, fuck him...

I've even had people just dump seeds into an envelope, 100% success.. Australia, New Zealand, Canada, UK, Holland, Spain, 100% success. Attitude, 100% success. Gypsy, 100% success. EveryoneEXCEPT Dr. Greenthumb, 100% success. Dr. Greenthumb sent seeds to me 1x, and they were intercepted - 100% failure... I guess he put them inside of a bottle cap and it got stuck in a USPS machine.. idiot... The San Fransisco customs does not care to check shit.. It was his mistake to; 1, he is being watched by law enforcement groups, or, 2, he is a fool and can't send an envelope for pennies without it getting stuck in a machine.

See my point now, Kitty basher?
1 interception in 30 orders from different seed banks and breeders.. It was because he didn't give 2-flying farts about security and safety.. IDIOT... That was the ONLY time I gave that idiot my safe address and he fucking blew it. I have given it to 10+ other breeders and seed banks on 30+ different occasions. Dr. BrownThumb's single offer was the only one intercepted...

This tell me, fuck him...

I've even had people just dump seeds into an envelope, 100% success.. Australia, New Zealand, Canada, UK, Holland, Spain, 100% success. Attitude, 100% success. Gypsy, 100% success. EveryoneEXCEPT Dr. Greenthumb, 100% success. Dr. Greenthumb sent seeds to me 1x, and they were intercepted - 100% failure... I guess he put them inside of a bottle cap and it got stuck in a USPS machine.. idiot... The San Fransisco customs does not care to check shit.. It was his mistake to; 1, he is being watched by law enforcement groups, or, 2, he is a fool and can't send an envelope for pennies without it getting stuck in a machine.

See my point now, Kitty basher?

At least he sent his first.
1 interception in 30 orders from different seed banks and breeders.. It was because he didn't give 2-flying farts about security and safety.. IDIOT... That was the ONLY time I gave that idiot my safe address and he fucking blew it. I have given it to 10+ other breeders and seed banks on 30+ different occasions. Dr. BrownThumb's single offer was the only one intercepted...

This tell me, fuck him...

I've even had people just dump seeds into an envelope, 100% success.. Australia, New Zealand, Canada, UK, Holland, Spain, 100% success. Attitude, 100% success. Gypsy, 100% success. EveryoneEXCEPT Dr. Greenthumb, 100% success. Dr. Greenthumb sent seeds to me 1x, and they were intercepted - 100% failure... I guess he put them inside of a bottle cap and it got stuck in a USPS machine.. idiot... The San Fransisco customs does not care to check shit.. It was his mistake to; 1, he is being watched by law enforcement groups, or, 2, he is a fool and can't send an envelope for pennies without it getting stuck in a machine.

See my point now, Kitty basher?

lol, he doesn't put the beans in a bottle cap for one, and second, how is it a breeder's fault that customs does their jobs and actually catches an illegal item in the post?
i think drgt's shipping, while not the most stealth, is one of the better ones simply for that reason.. it doesn't look like much, therefore usually doesn't get looked at that hard?
and b, if he were being watched by anyone, why is your package the only one i have heard of getting snagged? i'd say surely customs has say the attitude's number as we hear about tons of orders getting snagged..
my $.02
lol, what a maroon! if you've never had an order yanked, then you were wayyy overdue. nobody gets everything. i've been ordering beans from, ahem, other places, for over a decade. i recently lost my first order. i made a failed attempt to get the order replaced. no, it wasn't the dr. it pissed me off for a bit, but i knew it could happen, and it finally did. i actually believe the doc's shipping method fairly clever and effective... (i don't believe we should ever go into shipping specifics, so please don't.) i've had pretty good luck with most beans i get, and have had very good luck with the doc's beans. no bean monger is gonna have 100% customer satisfaction, none of them. so you had your stuff caught by customs. welcome to the club! suck it up, and be a man, geeez...
i have no idea what "kitty basher," means, so i don't know how to respond. just saying.......
lol, what a maroon! if you've never had an order yanked, then you were wayyy overdue.

Don't call me a maroon because you sound like a narc.. The usps told me the letter was snagged in a machine, the federal customs didn't get it, it was a sorting office which found the contraband. The item got stuck in a machine and they found the seeds that way.

If i remember correctly, it was 10-13+ years ago, the postal service made a statement in an enclosed letter which said something about the envelope getting snagged in a machine and they found contraband in it. Green taped. They said parts of the enclosed material did not abide by 1/4" envelope measures and it was not included.

he got it stuck in a fucking machine..

Racer, this was 10+ years ago and he tried to save money by NOT using stealth on a person-to-person trade. I have never seen his stealth, he did not use it. I also didn't pay anything for his attempted trade for seeds which is why he was trying to save a buck.

i have no idea what "kitty basher," means, so i don't know how to respond. just saying.......

you have a really stupid avatar.. hint?