Dr. Greenthumb Iranian/G13 and RP OG Kush


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the replies. I suffer from severe arthritis in my knees and the heavy indica's are my preference for the best medicine to help me sleep through the pain. I love my medibles though and got the cannabutter thing down pretty good. Until I started eating a cookie before bed, I could only sleep for a couple of hours at a time. I was exhausted all day trying to run a business. Now I sleep a straight 6-7 hours a night. Can't find a doc who will sign the forms even with x-rays and MRI results to prove my diagnosis. I only grow for myself, 4 plants at a time and GIVE away any extra to a couple of friends/family who require top quality meds to help control their migraines.The whole thing going on with the med law in Canada is very interesting and I believe it's going to be easier to find a doc who will sign within a few months.


Well-Known Member
Here's today's shots of the box.
These pics are of the 2 Iranian G13. Not sure where we're at time wise, too baked to care right now, but around week 5. Stinkbud system's awesome, but don't grow separate stains, stick to one strain per cycle. This box would really be kickin' ass if it was all the same strain. Nontheless, still looking good I think.


Well-Known Member

Here's a shot of the OG Kush and a shot of the whole box. Iranian G13 on left and OG on right. OG sure does stretch. It's glistening already at week 5. I got my ppm at 1150 and ph around 5.7 - 5.9.


Well-Known Member
Just to close this out.
I got a total average of 3oz per plant for a total of 12 oz. the IG13 tastes like straw/hay but packs a fucking awesome punch. It's not offensive shit taste, more like old columbian I used to get in the early 80's. really strong smoke. I like a good tastey smoke so I won't be growing IG13 again inside.
The OG is amazing and will be a staple in my little box for while. Man does it stink. Smells through the bag, in your pocket. Anything it touches reaks........I love it.
You all take care of yourselves.

Dr Gruber

Well-Known Member
Just to close this out.
I got a total average of 3oz per plant for a total of 12 oz. the IG13 tastes like straw/hay but packs a fucking awesome punch. It's not offensive shit taste, more like old columbian I used to get in the early 80's. really strong smoke. I like a good tastey smoke so I won't be growing IG13 again inside.
The OG is amazing and will be a staple in my little box for while. Man does it stink. Smells through the bag, in your pocket. Anything it touches reaks........I love it.
You all take care of yourselves.
My Ig13 tasted just like you describe with the same high. I have heard there is another pheno that tastes better...i only grew 1 so i didnt get the veriety either.