Dr. greenthumb seed review!

Hope all is well. I am writing you this ,possibly in hopes of some helpful info. I have and will not write to DGT. [actually I shouldn't since I did not place the order.. The problem still exists on the Girl Scout Cookies beans not popping ,except the one I had mentioned earlier. He sexed it and fortunately it is a Fem. So that's nice, However The person who placed the order has sent him a letter asking for them to address the issue, and being in the customer relations business, I must assume she handled the inquiry in a professional established manner. No reply at all from Dr. Greenthumb's. In your dealings with them, is there a tip or advise you can give me. I will send any info to the person whom placed the order. Thank You. .... Regards, dano

I know you're not asking me but i thought i would chime in anyway because it could be time sensitive. First thing is to make sure you saved the dud seeds to return to Doc just like you would if you were returning a pair of pants, etc, to another business.
Secondly, I would make sure to keep any adversarial language out of your email. Treat him as you would any person you respect and don't act like a tough guy because i think thats a tip that its a possible scam. It's unfortunate but the cannabis world is full of scammers and its probably tough to weed out the honest customers from the dishonest.
Doc is a fair and IMHO, an honest person. If you are square with him, he will be square with you.

I think OMS has been dealing with Doc longer then I have so hopefully he will respond soon and correct anything i missed.

Take care and good luck.
dr grube…just taking about the" base formula's" and the sludgey stuff in the bottom..that when mixed, turned the solution brownish..
its ok stuff ..but not an expensive proprietary additive

dano; i am no expert but

my guess is..

1. letters can take time[like sometimes weeks ]
2. maybe phone ..
3. also again:
problems in germination happen even with 100% germing seeds
no matter what the experience
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I need new gear and been eyeing drgt gear for a while. Finally not killing seedlings and can feel sane about dropping two hundie for five beans but has anyone ordered from him without using the expedited shipping?

Paying $35 extra on expensive beans as it is just to make sure delivery is made is whack IMO. I know other seedbanks do this but they charge like $15.

Their regular shipping is at "buyers risk" seems kinda lame since youre paying $40/seed. But i guess making it $47/seed isnt that far off. But doesnt this mentality breed this type of gouging?

Not looking for a debate on my views. Just feedback from anyone who has used their free shipping.
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I've used there free shipping a couple times and didn't have a problem, still great packaging and stealth I'm on the same side of the border as the Dr not sure if that made a difference, what I don't like is no visa payments anymore, I was about to order 2 different strains but I'm not overly interested in going to buy money orders envelopes & stamps and waiting for them to receive my mail then waiting to receive there mail, guess I'm to busy & impatient to be bothered doing all that running around
He sends it legit, had his og and bubba kush, think he sent 1-2 extras with each. Great smoke, healthy plants, I give him to thumbs up. I mail ordered with money orders and crossed fingers.
Thanks for the feedback you two.

I had placed my order with Choice seed bank (attitude)

I will get some from Dr GT next buy. Though I have GGG and RD to add to the list as well once they have something worth buying at the 'tude.

I really wanna try his ECSD despite the hermie issues towards late flower. ANd wanted to try Endless sky before I read all this shit in this thread about it. So maybe it'll jsut be G13 and ECSD.
I just heard Doc is releasing The White and and new one called Blue Bubba, (cross of Blue Dream and Bubba Katsu) for next indoor season or sooner. Blue Bubba has my name on it.
i have not had any herm's from the ecsd in more than a few tries

but i guess it is possible ...being ecsd

i could handle blue dream bubba…

oh the phenotypes that could be there…

anything crossed to bubba sounds great
Unfortunately my only dr g strain I have and tried was that ecsd, :( and it was a Hermie beast! I will give it this much though, what I harvested early was some of the damnest fine smoke I ever had, so still on the fence on trying to run it again... It was such fire that I am very tempted... Got a friend growing one now that I gifted a bean to, awaiting to see if his hermies before making any decisions of running it again... I will say though that ECSD is a known strain that can throw hermies...
I've heard all the stories and controversy surrounding dr g and all I can say is that my OWN personal experience with him was nothing but positive...
Hermies suck balls! Lol :)
Stay Stoned!
sorry to hear that Yoda ..i have been trying[lol] to get docs gear to hermi since 1999..it has not happened

i had an Apollo Trip in early y2k from dutch flowers that hermied and to this day i wish i had kept it

the high was heavenly…dang!
Used Greenthumbs 3 times in the last 2 years. All free shipping all arrived. I ordered Iranian Chem and each pack had 13 seeds in it.
i saw a photo of iranian haze grown in a town near us last summer [ n lat 46]

it looked almost like those trees from Cali…7ft high ten feet wide..in agarden raised bed

our hidden swamp iran haze was wonderful… BUT this guy showed me what i coulda done with more hands on care

he also had two iranian bubba's that were looking good

i think he harvested mid Sept…he musta got several lbs[more?] off the one Iran haze..i may try harder this summer

and the further south one is the earlier things flower

iam still smoking the iran haze from last fall..over my indoor

now blue dream x bubba sounds good
Kind of feel like it would be a great business opportunity to spend a few grand on Dr. Greenthumb beans selfing everything and selling it as "Dr.Gt but cheaper".

I would love to try some of his stuff I really really would, it's too much of a risk for seeds. I'd pay his prices for clones, easily.