watchdogs is a better choice of words.snitches on a weed forum...classic
watchdogs is a better choice of words.
might be a little extreme for name calling. What ever happened to the saying "sticks and stones break bones, and I dont give a care"stick a finger in my eye, im gonna gouge out both of yours.
try to stick a dick in my ass, you ll find your own dick sewed in your mouth, backwards.
fact is, jackasses are abound, and the only way to deal with them is to put them in Guantanamo! if that means reporting a FUCKHEAD, so be it.
i dont know either this DD or the DOC. and Honestly i dont give two or even three fucks about them.
But i really detest SELFISH FUCKHEAD IDIOTS they should be castrated at the minimum or just put to death. dont need more stupid people walking the world, we have enough in government now.
some times whistle blowing is critical. without it, many millions would of been dead decades ago from massive pollution.
also in the last week, i seen a youtube vid from a former HIGH LEVEL Pharmacutical Sales lady. SHE Has left the industry out of an ethical and moral sence of how they are not trying at ALL To cure ANY Desease, but only to Manage them. Bottom line, if someone is CURED< they cant continue to pay the pharm companies money. so now we hear our drs say HEALTH MANAGEMENT> no longer do we hear about a Cure, or a Remission, but rather how we can LIVE with our afflictions until we die, so we can continue to bleed into the coufers of the Pharmacutical Bank Accounts.
their is NO MONEY IN A CURE.
So bottom line, SNITCHES are BITCHES, but once in a while, you need a whistle blower to step up to the plate.
I did ? how's that ?wow and you even admit it
I'm one elsewhere !you are FAR from being a moderator.
I'm one elsewhere !
And that has what to do with RIU? Give it a break man, you're nothing but another person who posts here, leave the modding to the mods. I didn't snitch out being called a name because that's not my job and I really couldn't care less what that person though of me, that's why we have the option to ignore people's posts. Might as well add you too, I haven't seen you post anything constructive and I doubt I ever will.
you better watch your mouth punk, FDDK is handing out infractions left and right today. The mighty Brick Top finally has got his ass kicked even.
#183 ->
I question why anybody that has been trusted to be a moderator on a public forum, such as yourself, would be publicly announcing bans and infractions of others.... that just seems so out of order to me...
I ignored his annoying ass
I question why anybody that has been trusted to be a moderator on a public forum, such as yourself, would be publicly announcing bans and infractions of others.... that just seems so out of order to me...
I dont think he was banned.If anything just an infraction..I still see his avatar and im able to rep him when others were banned you were not able to do either
Fletchman found this @ Mr Nice Forums an wrote the following..........
The G13 truth comes out Doc wins
Looks like Doc is right, and he is a man of his word for NOT givin up his source.
"Hello my Brothers,
I am here to back a real bro for not disclosing me as his source in obtaining his G13 strain. It is a great pleasure knowing this person for being true to his word.
Dr. Greenthumb has been taking alot of crap for the nickname D/D that I labled some clones that I sold him. It has caused a shit storm at a couple of forums.
I owe Dr. Greenthumb a huge apology for the stress he is probably going thru.
I am apologizing to Dr. Greenthumb here since I have quite a few friends here that know a little about my history growing mj. As most of you who know me can vouch that I have had the G13 strain since the mid 80's. Nevil can also verify that. And also that I had sold the strain for $25g's to a "canadian breeder" a while back. Btw, the 25g's were distributed to our group who had previously agreed to keep the strain locked down. Had the economy not gone to shit it would have never been sold.
Dr. Greenthumb bought the strain and not just the clone. He decided to make it available to the public in pure form and is basically selling the strain at around 1% of what he paid for it, which is quite a deal.
I would also like to extend my apology to Double D a moderator at another forum for stress he must have for the confusion about my labeling methods.
I also want all my bro's who have sent me pm's that I am answering each and everyone within the next couple of days. The Skunk that you all are after will be available as soon as Nevil decides what he wants to do with the strain as I am leaving it up to him.
Take care my brothers!
Dogless has been a member for almost 2 years at Mr. Nice, read his past posts he seems to know Nevil and Shanti.
Wonder what Stonedheadgiver will say to this, LOL!
" Fletchman."
I Know this dosent "prove" anything, unless we were all there filming there is no proof.
But this explains why DrGT said it was DDs, Dogless sold it as such.
The reason he wouldnt just tell us this is cause he aggred with Dogless to not tell where it came from.
And he kept his word even when being called a liar an a scammer on alot of forums.