dr greenthumbs g13 fake genetics please read!

maybe so. If it meant getting rid of people like you who knowingly support liars and rip off artists it would be worth it for the good of the community. I'd take the hit

can you please show your clone grows with your side by side seed grows like you said you did?
lol, the dude admitted he was a noob and greenthumb went after him.

Answer, Dr GreenThumb did not go after me. I researched and talked with seed banks where I could get a hold of them. I chose him, and he was not the only place I bought seeds. I hope I chose correctly, only time will tell.

I can't understand, will not time show the best breeder and the most trustworthy person. I doubt that back and forth banter here will solve anything, grow your weed and find out.

One thing I admired when I watched and finally joined this website was that it seemed as it was a nice community, people with like thoughts on growing and discussing, this thread shows the worst in human phscy. No different than any other war or discrepency. Come on people pull it togethor. If something was done wrong, work through it scensably.

I am no better than anybody else, I too got angry in one of my posts, but I quickly replied and said I was sorry, difussing the subject hopefully.

Posted by OG
"don't listen to those fools. from my experience and that of MANY others here who have actually grown doc's strains you've made a good choice. what strain did you get? "

I purhased Chemo Iranian and Oh!Zone and planning on getting Iranian G13 if it becomes available. Possibly might get some other also, as thankfully finances are good for me.
I also purchased from Attitude and BcBudDepot, so we shall see. I really expect to be happy from all of them, for I researched quite alot. I not saying I know everything, for I am sure I have alot to learn.
can you please show your clone grows with your side by side seed grows like you said you did?

see what im saying about this kid ogman when asked about his grows he doesnt say nothing but when someone comes in here saying the doc tthis and the doc that thats when he wants to say someting this guy is honestly just spamming.Has no grows besides the fake autoflower that is sold by dr gthumb.I say fake because everyone knows autoflowers have ruderalis in it and nobody knows the genetics of iranian autoflower
Dude why are you hating on Dr Greenthumb
If you dont like his seeds dont buy them'You have said over and over and over again the same thing ,Fake gen.,over priced,ect so we heard you the first 10 times
Move on and get a life there is more to this site then bashing Greenthumb
Dude why are you hating on Dr Greenthumb
If you dont like his seeds dont buy them'You have said over and over and over again the same thing ,Fake gen.,over priced,ect so we heard you the first 10 times
Move on and get a life there is more to this site then bashing Greenthumb

So should we not have warned all those people about buying all those 40% THC BC seeds scams. I feel it's fair to let people know when they're about to be scammed for a good bit of money. Being a victim of fraud isn't very nice.
I thank have seen Doc sayn some of the iranian autos will flower under veg light .
Ill look for the link....
I feel it's fair to let people know when they're about to be scammed for a good bit of money. Being a victim of fraud isn't very nice.

Did you let people know about Soma's,Serious,and Sensi's seed prices?
I plan on ordering Sensi's NL reg. seeds for about 15 apiece. Hopefully get a keeper.
Do you consider that price fraud?
I cant find the link maybe it wasnt doc sayn it,
But I believe it said grow under 24 hrs light an cut back to 18/6 to flower indoors, an some will flower under 24 hrs light.

So its a Semi Auto?

Nah, If i can flower them in my veg cab Id consider it an auto, even if he didnt use ruderallis genes to do it.
Googled Iranian Auto and found this thread


IMO, these guys are contradicting themselves and don't even know it. One guy is talking about how well it will do under 18/6 indoors, another guy says it wants to be outside and one guy even posted to veg it longer under 24 hours before putting outdoors. Since when do you have the option to veg an auto? They're even talking about cloning it before it goes into flower, those clones should be the exact age and should keep flowering regardless, IF it was an auto.

I'm no auto expert but I'm pretty sure an auto means it will flower no matter what. 24/0, 20/4, 18/6, etc. If it has any "veg" time it's no auto...

I had questioned Doc about these plants and his very words were If your gonna use it for a mother plant indoors you need to keep them under 24 hr light.And it makes sense even with my experience with Auto's such as Lowlifes I've found you can prolong them in a longer veg state keeping them on 24 hrs of light.

The Doctor is not a liar? An Auto mother plant???? He's telling people to keep his "auto" under 24/0 to prolong the veg state? Auto's don't veg and I was under the impression they do better with more light :wall: Am I wrong?
see what im saying about this kid ogman when asked about his grows he doesnt say nothing but when someone comes in here saying the doc tthis and the doc that thats when he wants to say someting this guy is honestly just spamming.Has no grows besides the fake autoflower that is sold by dr gthumb.I say fake because everyone knows autoflowers have ruderalis in it and nobody knows the genetics of iranian autoflower

If you go here and read through you will find the answers to your questions....and please read all the way through so you can see all the nay-sayers start back tracking.
You can veg the Iranian quite awhile under 24/7 light, eventualy some would auto flower. (dam with I could find the link)
But due to there light sensitivity just cutting em back an bit will trigger flowering.
Like when you put em outside, or cut it back to 18/6.

Veg em bigger for bigger yield, seen pics they get huge an yeild almost a quarter pound each, by mid summer....
Check out Sodalite grow pic from last year..

I think its kick ass that he reinvented the auto...
A+ breeding IMHO

-Edit I meant Quarter pound, lol not pound I corrected it.
I don't know why you would post a link leading to something negative about Dr.G
Greenthumb Seeds

Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: Canada
Posts: 43

No worries: we don't sell to kids anyway.

Here's an idea for you and richi420 that should appeal to your obvious overpowering social conscience. Send me an email or PM me with your email, snail mail,street address or phone number and I guarantee I'll give it to everyone who calls us looking for free seeds.Then you can really start to walk what you talk.

22nd March 2010, 04:18 PM #48

Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 51

You know nothing of me, what i do, absolutely nothing, yet you get on your high horse putting people down , How you stay in business is beyond me.
but i do have recourse, see below

I'll do one better, I promise to tell everyone i know NEVER to purchase anything from the likes of you. That is for your lack of business sense, intelligence and social adaptibility.

Keeps getting better

Originally Posted by Greenthumb Seeds
richi, respectfully, you don't even know for sure if they were our seeds

Actually I do, I got them from a very good friend that ordered them and had shitty results from them so he got me to grow them to see if it was him or the seeds. So unless you sent him someone elses seeds,they were YOURS.
Thats why i said read all the way through...now i want you to post those guys apologies to Doc...and then you can make one as well.lol

Sorry, I'm getting there.

Here's something else I found:


Autoflowering cannabis plants altogether do away with a vegetative growth stage. Basically, you plant it, it sprouts, grows a set of leaves, then immediately and automatically begins flowering. This generally starts after around 3 weeks, the males showing signs of flowering a few days before the females. As a result, 'autos' are the quickest, most compact, and most easily hidden marijuana plant available.
This completely contradicts what I thought was an auto flower...

Greenthumb Seeds

Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: Canada
Posts: 43

Outdoors it's about 90 days start to finish and IMO it is at it's best in that growing environment.

I should ad a word about starting indoors in order to finish outside. If you root cuts and set them out, they will go immediately into full-on flower, so it is recommended that you veg them until 12-18 inches tall before setting out.Setting out a 3-4 inch tall cut results in a one ounce yield instead of the expected four or more.
I also heard Sodalite may do a Big Iranian auto grow this summer (hes got 100+ seeds lol)
I cant wait to see em go agian this year.

I watched his grow last year. He grew Docs Iranian Autos made my Lil autos look pathetic, over 4x the yeild.

He said the potency was great also, I cant say the same for the lowryders I grew..
I also read that in order for it to be considered auto it must have ruderalis and he even says his Iranian Auto doesnt

Greenthumb Seeds

Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: Canada
Posts: 43

Perhaps that's because of the C.Ruderalis in all the other autos, I have no idea really since we don't mess with anything that has C. Ruderalis in it. At first we thought this plant was merely very early, which is why at first we called it Iranian Short Season, then later changed the name to Iranian Autoflower when we realized it had autoflower characteristics.
It would be interesting to hear Richi420's take on how it performed in his grow since he seems to be the only other person in this discussion who has experience with it.

To me it seems that richi guy caved too early and didn't do enough research. From everything I've read an auto will flower under 24/0 and cannot be cloned. There is no "delay" in the veg time because that is called a photoperiod.

Unless someone can show me otherwise, the Iranian Auto flower is not an auto. Did Dr.G stumble across a strain that auto's without ruderalis?
I could flower it in my veg cab, so I would consider it an auto.
But I bet they guys selling at autoflower.co.uk wouldnt, because they arent selling it.
Everything I've read says that an autoflower can only auto if it has ruderalis. Can you find anything that says otherwise?