dr greenthumbs g13 fake genetics please read!

You little fuck boys keep going back and forth egging him on ... How immature are you ? Grow the fuck up. Nobody gives a fuck about your guys' imaginary grows or any of that shit. Like he said no credibilitiy. Kick rocks. This thread was done a long time ago, and you keep on hating like some bitch ass niggas. For all we know all you spammin fags are probably Dr.GT ... Cuz you guys did just appear out of nowhere when his business was on the line ... Ridiculous they even let this thread keep going, because ya'll aren't talking about shit. Fuckin' haters. Go suck greenthumbs dick and waste your money on his overpriced beans.
You little fuck boys keep going back and forth egging him on ... How immature are you ? Grow the fuck up. Nobody gives a fuck about your guys' imaginary grows or any of that shit. Like he said no credibilitiy. Kick rocks. This thread was done a long time ago, and you keep on hating like some bitch ass niggas. For all we know all you spammin fags are probably Dr.GT ... Cuz you guys did just appear out of nowhere when his business was on the line ... Ridiculous they even let this thread keep going, because ya'll aren't talking about shit. Fuckin' haters. Go suck greenthumbs dick and waste your money on his overpriced beans.

You sit at your computers all day & just wait for him to post ... Just to talk shit ... Get some jobs you fuckin' burnouts.

Aint that the truth.They must love me
Aint that the truth.They must love me

you're mentally ill dude. get some help and while you're at it READ those posts by mr. therapy man and the grow journals by sodalite about those imaginary iranian autoflowers. the truth is there but you have to put your grow book down read the posts and be open to it:wall:
you must not comprehend which makes you mentally retarded..
Can you show me your clone grow vs seed grow or is it imaginary like your mind?
you're mentally ill dude. get some help and while you're at it READ those posts by mr. therapy man and the grow journals by sodalite about those imaginary iranian autoflowers. the truth is there but you have to put your grow book down read the posts and be open to it:wall:
From another site. Maybe it will shed some light on things ... and maybe not.

G13 Hey everyone,
I figured it was going to be done at some point in the future, so might as well get the ball rolling. G13 is probably one of the most heralded variety's of all time in the cannabis community. Its a variety that has obtained mythical and legendary proportions. Part of the mystique surrounding why this variety is so legendary is its said history. As the story goes, G13 is a government breed(developed, engineered even) variety from the University of Mississippi which apparently has authorization from the US government to do research on marijuana. This is a verifiable fact, that was recently reported on world wide by the AP. The story later goes on to say that G13 is a clone that was liberated from greenhouse #13, hence the name G13. The clone is said to have circulated commercially around that area of the United States before making its way to Neville at the Seedbank. It is also a documented fact that Neville was the first to market the G13 to the masses in hybrid form because the G13 was only available in female clone form.

The hybrids Neville released included G13xSkunk#1, G13xNorthern Lights, G13xHashplant, G13xHaze and G13xWhite Widow, there may have in fact been other hybrids released but that is just off the top of my head. You don't even have to be a marijuana user to know that G13 is said to be strong marijuana, in fact that is another part of why it has achieved legendary status. Its potency is said to be quite strong, which gave the story even more credence when the story was past on from stoner to stoner. This variety was even mentioned in the movie, "American Beauty" and was also outrageously priced! (I have told that kid he was out of his mind personally).

So in summary so far, G13 has an interesting history on top of being quite powerful marijuana and it was released and ultimately made famous by Neville at the Seedbank in the 80's. Neville is said to have worked with Sensi seeds around the early 90s and the original G13 mother was lost. So the only variety's left that are traceable to the G13 that is responsible for the legend picking up steam are the subsequent hybrids he released to the public.

Fast forward to today, there are dozens of companies who claim to have a G-13 variety or G13 hybrid. Look no further then seedbanks like Doc Chronic and Gypsy Nirvana to find several companies advertising a G13 line. Some of these G13s are mislabeled on purpose to mislead the customer. There is in fact no such thing as a "G13" that is available to the public anymore. Only hybrids, so be aware when you see a company advertising a hybrid as "G13 x grapefruit" for example. Because what you are really dealing with is a G13 hybrid of unknown origin x grapefruit. The seedbanks are riddled with such claims and more all involving the original G13. To use an actual claim as an example of what to be suspicious of when researching are claims such as this one: Quote:
Some years ago, mysterious seeds were inside the mailbox of my donor, with a california postmark on it.. The package contained seeds marked G-13.
He has bx'd This to the original Mom or "sport".
Now he is giving me a chance at her, because I believed in seeds of her since the early 80's. I knew there were seeds and they came to me eventually.
The product is virtually the same as what we bought in 1980 for 60 70 a quarter when skunk and humbolt were 45 and prevalent even in san diego...
I would always be asking when dudes brother in law was coming to visit from mississippi, where he worked for the university..
THis is not from him, but the same as what he had in 1980.
My pallatte remebers her....If this is a selected pheno it's damnn good work.
But I always heard there were seeds in the 70's. Seeds being held back and re-bred pure every few years or decade... Seeds to be given in the future.. The cuts were given freely in america at the time for those "in the know". The cuts were sent out
so every decade or so, whover was chosen to recieve a crack at the seeds would Know the pure from matching it to the cut.
The cuts were from a sport mutation and being an anomoly it was desireable to spread it in cut form... No seeds were guaranteed to produce a sport, so the seeds were stashed for posterity..
This is the truth I have gleaned from legend. This is the "best" you could find in so cal in the early 80's, by far.
I been growing her about 2 years or so..
My tolerance is hell, WE smoked a whole quarter round to half dollar round thai stick before school every day of ninth grade between 3 other people..
I know my bud...I was class of 80. so like from 1976 and 1977- about all i remeber is ronnie van zant died in a plane crash.
I knew back then id do this too, But could only dream of finding some seeds to the g-13 as they were held back and no-one admitted to having them.
It took a long time for me to pry any information out of the brother in law, but I got my story in the early 80's...
And i'm stickin to it.
I write this not as an expert on G13, but as someone who was extremely interested in this variety due to is origins and legendary potency. I made it my business to understand who had some legitimate G13, and who had some mystery variety's labeled G13 but could offer nothing of substance to back up their claims of having such a variety. From what I understand, you can acquire hybrids legitimately related to the G13 from Sensi Seeds(G13xHashplant), Soma Seeds(G13xHaze male) and Mr. Nice seeds(G13xSkunk#1, G13xWidow). From reading the forums for years, it is generally agreed upon that the Sensi Seeds G13xHashplant aka Mr.Nice has lost some of its luster in recent years. Somas G13xHaze male is said to have been found in a small handful of seeds given to him by Ed Rosenthal which were in turn gifted to Ed by Neville(as I understand the story to be). This was a Haze dominant G13 hybrid, but non the less it has some legitimate claim in my eyes if the story is true. And there is the Mr. Nice G13 hybrids, which are in fact worked on by Shantibaba and Neville here at the Mr. Nice camp. I don't think anything else needs to be said about this revelation.

Now as someone who wanted to put his money into the sure bet that what I was getting was G13, I did a lot of research before looking to purchase the variety. Anytime you are looking to purchase a variety, you should do research first. I pretty much arrived to the conclusions I am stating here in this thread years ago, as it was clear where my best shot was at obtaining legitimate G13. Deciphering all of the propaganda out there on the net can be hard, there are a lot of people who claim to have something but yet rely on nothing more then hearsay as evidence to their variety's supposed origin. As someone spending some money on a variety, hearsay isn't good enough for me. I want to know who has what, where they got it and if its worth the money they are asking for it. That to me is a perfectly logical line of thinking when considering a purchase on anything in reality.

There are variety's such as the LG13 and the Airbourne G13 which are said to be the real deal G13 cuts. But neither of these variety's can be authenticated as being legitimate, and in particular the LG13 bares little to no resemblance to the original G13 hybrids. While the Airbourne G13 is said to be the G13xNorthern Lights hybrid Neville released years ago, again there is no solid evidence other then visual inspection to authenticate these claims. And there are folks who have variety's they call G13, sometimes multiple unrelated variety's they have labeled G13 which in fact are not related to the original G13 what so ever. Its just a name they picked, to identify an above average specimen. This is the case of Pacific G13, which I discussed at length with her privately and the information presented above were the results of my inquiry. There is also the SoCal G13 Quote:
Another semi-known G-13 is the SoCal G-13, which is said by a few to be better than the pacific/airbourne cuts, but the SoCal G-13 is a highly guarded clone kept in small circles supposedly, and you probably wont see it on the market anytime soon - unless someone like sugenite do some crosses like with the pure kush and sell it for 1000. Good luck with that though. lol
which many claim to be the real deal as well, but yet have nothing to offer other then hearsay about the authenticity of these variety's. While they may in fact be good, there is little evidence to support their lineage.

In conclusion there are a lot of companies and individuals claiming to have something they do not. Some of these claims, rely on hearsay only to authenticate the origins of their strains. While others are simply making stories up in an effort to sell a variety quicker, or in order to gain some type of fame or fortune by possessing something which is deemed rare and elusive. There are people who have something very special marijuana wise, but use the G13 moniker in an effort to promote their variety as something it is not. There are others who just want to take advantage of the legend of G13 to sell seeds quicker as well, it is up to you the consumer to decipher who has what and if it is worth spending the next 3-4 months of your life growing. But all of the variety's on the market that have legitimate status can be traced back to Nevilles G13 either here at Mr. Nice or the Seedbank. Everyone else is relying on hearsay evidence to support their claims of G13, and in my opinion a majority of those folks are out for your money, not offering you something that is of a legitimate nature.

The Sensi Seeds Mr. Nice G13xHashplant


The Mr. Nice G13xSkunk by Fet

The Mr. Nice G13xWidow

Somas G13xHaze Male

Some more information about the G13 from other sources:
Here is information that may help some of you out..
Originally posted by Kashgari
Nevil crossed the WW male to the original G13 clone years ago...I think this was done by the mid 90s.
Hope this helps.

Originally posted by Scorpion
Greetings Shanti,


G13/Skunk#1 X South Indian Hybrid <Widow>

makeing it a 4 way hybrid...
as explained to me by the man himself...

This is NOT related to ANYthing currently available...Anywhere

Not G13 WW...not G13 BW ..if you need specifics...then ask the man himself,
because only Shanti knows all the details and the rest of us can only speculate.

Originally posted by shantibaba

Hi guys
There are currently 9 females and 7 males<G13Skunk#1> that are being combined and gone on with...a bit laborious but the only way when we are left with such a small sample.
Till then all the best Shantibaba

if you have nothing positive to offer...

Please keep it civil.

Thanks for the seed pic Kashgari...


Originally posted by shantibaba
Hi guys
Did not really miss the post....but was more interested to see what chat you sparked amongst yourself.Since there are a roller coaster of stories going about, re the G13.

Whatever the stories are that have entertained the punters till now probably all have a little truth mixed with myth.All with merit.
What I know in a nut shell is that the G13 plant was taken from the research facility some time ago and Nev managed to get it as a clone back to NL.There many things were tried without very much consistency, except with the skunk male to the G13.It was the only real crossing that gained results along a semi consistent line.That was quite some years back. Since then many people believe that buying the G13 released crosses and breeds perpetuated the story.However the story was for me all a little out of proportion.It usually is the product of many people dreaming of catching the big fish....

Up until 1 year ago I was not a G13 participant.I had seen it years back when it was all new and exciting but it did not do too much for me.No real flavour, strong sure but lacking on many other important sides.I recently learned that the G13 lost a lot of vigor at Sensi a long time back until they eventually lost the original mother line.

Nev gave me the only seed he felt was worth to go on with in this line (over 6 years ago) since he was retired from that world.It had been hanging above a fire place for more than 2 years prior.It was one of the last things that had had no time to look into due to other reasons.Kind of left on the shelf.The things that are being used for G13 combinants are all very removed and probably explains the pot luck kind of plants that turn up.But I have made some selections and with consultations and some old hand advice it looks we are back on track.There are currently 9 females and 7 males that are being combined and gone on with...a bit laborious but the only way when we are left with such a small sample.I will post some photos soon here to show you all what we are up to.

Till then all the best Shantibaba

quote from Shantibaba at another site

Hi All
the G13 cutting was crossed to a skunk male in the early 90's when the G13 cutting seemed to be on its way out. Nev did several crosses to combine the genes before the plant became extinct in its pure female form. So I went on with several of these lines one is G13skunk(female) combined with the widow male(same widow used for the BW, MM ,La N and SS).
I hope that clears things up for you all.
Wishing you all a great and safe 2007...all the best SB

The original G13 Cut

Hell yea put that down below where you grow link is " All My Bitches Love Me " LOL

Hey gangsta wannabe, thank you for coming out of the closet to your boyfriends rescue, but you blew his cover (besides something else, heheh !)



  • homie dinglberry.jpg
    homie dinglberry.jpg
    33.9 KB · Views: 278
Gangsta Wannabe ? Lol, come see about me you fuckin' nerd. Otherwise your just another little lame ass kid who sits infront of the computer all day. Broke, No job, & a fuckin beat off. You got nothing. Sounds like a fuck boy 2 me. Lol. I came here 2 learn, not argue with little boys. Your not jus gonna run your mouth to me now just cause your bored and don't have a fuckin' life. Get a grip kiddo. Nice try though bra.
Go on head keep yappin like I care brooo, you make yourself look dumb. You gonna ride my dick 2 ya fuckin' fagboi. But like wyte was saying before, I wish I would catch one of you cats in real life not thru a fuckin' computer. Nobody gives a fuck who you, your brother, your mama or your daddy is bitch because ANYBODY CAN GET IT.

+ Real Recognize Real.
Go on head keep yappin like I care brooo, you make yourself look dumb. You gonna ride my dick 2 ya fuckin' fagboi. But like wyte was saying before, I wish I would catch one of you cats in real life not thru a fuckin' computer. Nobody gives a fuck who you, your brother, your mama or your daddy is bitch because ANYBODY CAN GET IT.

+ Real Recognize Real.

WTF?? Is this NWA revisited?