Dr. Greenthumb's Gear

Ice Cubez

Well-Known Member
There's many poor reports of Doc's stuff not sprouting well the last 6 months or so........... he tried to sell the entire business a few years back and had no takers. I also think there's some health issues going on within the family and he's just not updating stock regularly anymore. So high prices and poor germination mean reduced business and seeds sitting around longer.

My last purchase was Turkish Cookies and 75% didn't sprout. I'm done with him.
100% germ rate on 8 Bubba OG seeds i got about a month ago. They are by far the most vigorous seeds ive ever grown.


Active Member
Hey guys sorry for the lack of updates.
All of the Iranian crosses I got from Doc just started poking white hairs a couple weeks ago. They won't be finishing.
I'll be chopping the IAF end of August probably. And the Goldmine mid to late September, weather permitting.

I'd show pictures of the plants but I'm embarrassed about the size of them.
Since I was taking a summer University class I wasn't able to have the plants in the ground in June.
The plants went in July tenth. A whole month of good growing LOST.

I'll post pictures of the bud.

Next year I'll only grow IAF and Goldmine.

Not happy at all with Doc's Iranian strains. Both in germination and flowering so late.

I'm in Saskatchewan.