

I don't know what seeds are or not worth the money, but on another web site Double D shows his grow with his cut of the G13. He used 32 gallon smart pots. 20,000 watts of side lighting only no overhead lighting. He states overhead lighting went out in 2008. His states his cut was from an original G13 from 1986. He keeps mothers at least 4 years. He feels taking cuts from clones degrades the plant. Not sure if it was ok to post another forum addy here so just google Double D G13 and you'll find his grow show. Maybe he did get 4 pounds off the plant but he grows strictly for medical users, (free) and has a state-of-the-art grow room. So getting 4 pounds off a plant you would have to have his environment which I don't think may of us do.

If I had an extra $200 for seeds I would try some just to see what the fuss is all about. Soon we will all know as grows start to show up from the folk who could afford the seeds.


Well-Known Member
1. He actually uses DWC with massive buckets called mpb buckets.
2. He was told it was the original but he got it from a friend who got it from a friend so it could or couldn't be the original.
3. It doesn't matter if a plant is kept for years or clones are taken of clones, a plant doesn't know if it has been cloned or not and the age of the plant is the same in the end.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I don't know what seeds are or not worth the money, but on another web site Double D shows his grow with his cut of the G13. He used 32 gallon smart pots. 20,000 watts of side lighting only no overhead lighting. He states overhead lighting went out in 2008. His states his cut was from an original G13 from 1986. He keeps mothers at least 4 years. He feels taking cuts from clones degrades the plant. Not sure if it was ok to post another forum addy here so just google Double D G13 and you'll find his grow show. Maybe he did get 4 pounds off the plant but he grows strictly for medical users, (free) and has a state-of-the-art grow room. So getting 4 pounds off a plant you would have to have his environment which I don't think may of us do.

If I had an extra $200 for seeds I would try some just to see what the fuss is all about. Soon we will all know as grows start to show up from the folk who could afford the seeds.
While this seems sound in principal, in practice, it seems that whenever apeople buy highly expensive "elite" seeds, they will go to the ends of the earth to defend them and claim they were the best they've ever grown, 40 day harvest, they'll say anything. Yet look at BC seeds, lots of people still try and defend them, yet in their disclaimer they state that all THC levels are bullshit and purely for advertising purposes :lol: Price means squat all when it comes to seeds.


Well-Known Member
Thats exactly the truth. I've been smokin some nice kush and a buddy brought a doobie over and it kicked my ass. Asked him what it was and he laughed and said $30 nirvana bubblicious seeds. I was like wtf. Said they yielded 4 oz a piece with 400 lumatek.


Well-Known Member
I would like to share with fellow farmers my personal experience with Dr. Greenthumb.

I met up with the Doc and purchased 10 Pure G13 seeds last week, along with some other of Doc's gear. Doc is a good guy in my books. A straight shooter, doesn't put up with B.S. kind of guy, and more than willing to help out and share his knowledge and experience.

I have learned first hand to dismiss any negative I read about him, and whole heartedly from my own personal experience support and agree with all the great things I have read about the Doc.

Long live the Doc !!!
I would like to share with fellow farmers my personal experience with Dr. Greenthumb.

I met up with the Doc and purchased 10 Pure G13 seeds last week, along with some other of Doc's gear. Doc is a good guy in my books. A straight shooter, doesn't put up with B.S. kind of guy, and more than willing to help out and share his knowledge and experience.

I have learned first hand to dismiss any negative I read about him, and whole heartedly from my own personal experience support and agree with all the great things I have read about the Doc.

Long live the Doc !!!
So you spent 1000 dollars on ten seeds?
what's your point, exxcept to stir up shit, you get 3 seeds per pack so thats 15 for $ 1000.
Can you comprehend stop posting towards me seems like you are the one stirring shit up.
He charges 200 a pack and gives a freebie with the order that does not make it 3 seeds a pack get your math right.For all i know he prob gave 1 freebie for 10 seed purchase ..Again just leave me alon i am not asking you anything seems like that mancrush you have on me is true lmao


Well-Known Member
I purchased in bulk along with some of his other strains, so I was able to enjoy a volume discount.

I am not going to say how much they all cost me, as I feel this would be wrong and disrespectful of me. On his site he advertises...

Please Enquire about Quantity Discounts. (Bulk Orders)

I did only get a total of 10 seeds pure G13 seeds.

I met the Doc in person and found him to be a straight shooter, no BS kind of a guy, which worked perfect for me. He spent 20 minutes with me answering all my questions and giving me advice. The Doc knows his stuff.
there's no reason for you to be in this thread stirring up the same old shit daily. The intelectuals here have seen you for what you are a hostile little man, that includes the moderator Potroast.
No reason for you to be in here stirring shit up with me say what you want but we see you for what you are a little fool

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
You have to ask, if his genetics are so fabulous, why would you ever bother buying more than one pack of the same seeds considering their cost, every shred of common sense sais you would simply clone them out, i mean it's all highly stable genetics with little pheno variation, isn't that what it's partly being priuced like that for? So the idea of buying multiple packs of the same strains from this supposedly hugely reputable breeder sounds pretty damned dumb :D Common sense 101


Well-Known Member
The largest part of my bulk order was Doc's Iranian Short Season strain.

From what I understand of the Iranian Short Season, yes you can clone them, but as soon as you put them outside, regardless of how big or small they are, they will go right into flower.

So one would have to veg the mothers for what ever amount of time required to produce enough cuttings one requires, and then out of those cuttings one would have to veg the cuttings for long enough so they were big enough before being put outside to enjoy the nice yield the Iranian Short Season is known for.

Seeds for this Iranian Short Season strain are the way to go for sure.

I am however going to clone the 10, Pure G13 seeds we purchased from the Doc, when they come of size to take the required number of cuttings I desire.

Hope this helps explain the need to purchase a large number of seeds vs cloning Tip Top Toker.