Dr. GreenTrees CFL grow 2009 first half decent set up

everything is ready to go. seeds are germinating, just waiting now. should have a camera later tonight and be able to post some pics of the box.
happy smoking
finally some pics of the veg room. 4 tall 4 long 2 wide. same with the flowering room whichyou can see on the left side of the veg room, completely bare and waiting for construction, im broke!! lol. the dvd case are my seeds germinating. they should be gone like tomorow or the next day ill check on them.


2 of 4 broke the soil this morning when i woke up to go to the bathroom. to lazy and tired at the current moment. will get some pics of later. god i just love seeing green lol. happy smoking tuneinturnondropout
been really slow on this. been slackin the last couple days. 2 popped, 1 is doin just fine the other i havent seen any noticable growth in in the last day. and when i checked on them this morning the little one hadnt grown and is not showing yellow on a tip. this couldnt be like burn from simple potting mix right? ive never encountered that before. any help would be greatly appriciated. the second picture (the blurry one, sorry guys) is doin ok. the other one is who im curious about. happy smoking


2 days from now im switching from foil to wite pain. i need to paint the inside of my box which already houses plants. if i move the out for the majority of the time put them under some substitute lighting i know theyll be fine for a little bt. my question is how long should i let the box air out before i can put those plants back in. would the fumes harm them. theres a fan in the box moving air and drawing air from outside in. so any fumes in the air wouldnt just be stagnant. i wasnt sure on the effect they might have on some young plants if any. i was gonna pain the box then give it the most time i felt comfy leaving the lights under shitty sub lighting. i think like. 6 or 7 hours might be enough. the window would be open with a fan pushing air out. and i could run the fain in the box to move fumes out. any advice would be great dont know how many people have been in this situation before. thanks a lot guys happy smoking


Well-Known Member
Lose the foil, paint the walls flat white
Tin foil can cause hot spots and burn your plants
Flat white paint is more reflective and will not burn you plants
thanks Tom. ive seen some of your plants and setups, beautiful i must say. i really liked your 2 liter hydro bottle. genuis.


Well-Known Member
Thanks a lot dude, I wish I could say that I came up with it but I jacked the idea off a thread I read on here. I think I am the only person on here doing a 3 liter ebb and flow bottle so that is pretty cool I guess haha
Keep up the nice work, good luck and happy growing


Well-Known Member
Fumes from what? Painting the walls flat white?
I think that the fumes wouldn't be good but as long as the paint is dry than you should be good,
I can't see the fumes harming the plants
all the talk about the work to the box a few days from now when i get that paint made me wanna get off my ass and take some pics for anyone whos following at all. plicked the one with the discoloration, kept the one that was doin just fine. planted 4 more in the small pots earlier today. thanks tom for all the answers much appriciated, happy smoking everyone, tuneinturnondropout:blsmoke:

