Dr Sanjay Gupta admits "I was wrong about weed"

I forgot to add, Nixon was looking out for big business as well as US. He know from his buddies that decades down the road American manufacturing could be moved to China and made for much cheaper. The side benefit from this? We've made them get into bed with US, they've bought our bonds, bought into our 'system' (except our brand of democracy), kind of hard to fight US. But as we are know, the kid on the block that was always picked on grows up, and sometimes he becomes the 'badass.' Only time will tell.
KEEP YOUR EYE OUT FOR ME! Uncle Pete and I were lucky enough to be at Dr Robert Melamede's when they were doing the interview.

I was spotted on CNN promos already once :) smoking a BIIIIIIIG ole doobie :)
got some friends and family coming over tonight for dinner and drinks. they will be forced to watch it tonight . going guerilla style on'em tonight. hoping to invoke some open dialogue
My wife was just on youtube and saw the YoungTurks video and asked me "Who's Dr.Sanjay Gupta?"
We don't have Cable, but still...
yeah he said 36% , that was confiscated! I was like wtf..who grew that shit and what is it called damnit!

I think this was a really great special though. It was'nt biased to either party
What do you think?
First statement from one of the brothers: 1% thc, 21% cbd
From the university: 36% thc
From the mother (at the dispensary): 3% thc, 17% cbd
What I thought was really interesting from the mother: "They couldn't sell the stuff it wasn't strong enough and no one wants it": her bill $800 (WTF)
Yeah I can believe those statements to some degree.
Yes it was an $800 bill but she never stated exactly how much she purchased. Could have been 3 oz, which would make sense. Im sure she wanted as much as they had in stock. Afterall she had it turned into "phoenix tears" and by the looks she had alot of that.

"it was'nt strong enough" is spot on, hardly anyone wants to buy bud that low in THC, most people want herbs to get high. CBD has no psychoactive effects. So of course they really would'nt have any customers wanting it.
Wanna know how often I watch TV? I go to watch this show and find out I don't even get CNN... Shit.

Was it worth anything?
What do you think?
First statement from one of the brothers: 1% thc, 21% cbd
From the university: 36% thc
From the mother (at the dispensary): 3% thc, 17% cbd
What I thought was really interesting from the mother: "They couldn't sell the stuff it wasn't strong enough and no one wants it": her bill $800 (WTF)

That 36% THC that they confiscated could not have been pure flowers. It was most likely what they call "caviar", which it suds rolled in keif or oils, or both.

1% THC and 21% CBD is probably legit, these phenos are in fact out there.

Her $800 was not for a "small bag" as they said, it was for 2 zips, i've followed this story prior to this show. Still way too much money for medicine bit not as extreme as the show depicted.

All in all i thought this show was great!
That 36% THC that they confiscated could not have been pure flowers. It was most likely what they call "caviar", which it suds rolled in keif or oils, or both.

1% THC and 21% CBD is probably legit, these phenos are in fact out there.

Her $800 was not for a "small bag" as they said, it was for 2 zips, i've followed this story prior to this show. Still way too much money for medicine bit not as extreme as the show depicted.

All in all i thought this show was great!

My first thought was caviar also, except almost all the caviar i've seen has been in the high 49's low 50's (at least that's what was advertized).
That 36% THC that they confiscated could not have been pure flowers. It was most likely what they call "caviar", which it suds rolled in keif or oils, or both.

1% THC and 21% CBD is probably legit, these phenos are in fact out there.

Her $800 was not for a "small bag" as they said, it was for 2 zips, i've followed this story prior to this show. Still way too much money for medicine bit not as extreme as the show depicted.

All in all i thought this show was great!
was pissed myself when i read how much she was charged for 2 ounces of R4. should have given it to her. only people using ultra high cbd strains are the truly needy.
I watched this with the lady last night

It was shit but did show a good aspect or two about medical cannabis.
Maybe a show that we would have thought was awesome wouldn't have fit the bill. I watched a youtube copy this AM. It was probably good from a broader American audience perspective. That's more effective that a show we'd think is cool

The seizures were kind of hard to watch but it definitely made a point.