Doctors, generally, can charge for 'paperwork' for things like sick notes, and other ancillary paperwork. They are NOT allowed to charge just for writing a prescription, comparing the two is beyond disingenuous. Labelling people who fight back against being extorted by unscrupulous medical professionals as 'snitches' is ridiculous.
If no doctors want to sign? Sounds like a perfect court case to undo some bad precedent. The reaction in general from provincial medical colleges is something that wasn't present the last time doctors gatekeeping came up in court, and neither was doctors signing for LP's but not for home growing. People being held hostage by doctors / provincial colleges is no better, and some would argue a lot worse than being held hostage by Health Canada.
Like I asked
What do you do. Wait for the court system for months or pay a dr.
Ill break down the fee, as told
If you come into the clinics
they" interview you about your cannabis use" try to make "reccomendations" /and fill some paperwork maybe an extra sheet by them/ and skypecall.
You think some Dr is going to risk his practice over a fee few hundos..
These clinics WOULD have ALL been shut down since 2009 when most started to come around.
Sorry a few people are just now entering the growing part of the program and want to grow there own, but complain all you want! Just more deaf ears. Bottom line if they couldnt it would have been gone.
They are not the ones to be MAD AT. BE SALTY at your family Dr. Goto your family dr and tell them what you have to pay because they wont sign.
The problem is not these companies! 2001 till now a medical marijuana program has been in place.
And there have been many complaints to members of parliment, what you guys think you are the first ones to beat your chest and say this is not fair...
Siggggh. GOOD LUCK