DR60 250watt LA Confidential Grow


Well-Known Member
Sorry for the hiatus my friends. Been a rough school year, exams have been kicking my arse along with work and taking care of the kids, but still found time to start my 3rd grow. Earlyer this year I started some LA Con from DNA. Decided not to document the entire grow because well that gets a bit repetitive.

Anywho onto what Ive found so far.

This thing loves to eat.... if you are going to grow it plan accordingly.

This strain has almost no strecth to it when you flip to 12/12. I vegged for about a good month and its still a little small.

Dont really notice any smell (yet) but i guess my carbon filter is doing its job.

should finish around the 2nd week of August.


I think that my setup (DR60 and a 250watt) is perfect for a small personal grow. Havent started anything in my 4x4 yet but that grow is going to happen after this one so i can use this tent to veg and clone etc...

Post of the questions i will reply in time.

Someone throw some ideas on what strain i should tackle next.


Well-Known Member
About how long did it take to finish? I have a few fan leaves turning purple but not like super purple or anything like that.


Well-Known Member
Welcome back sel3ctive!!

Good to see ya growing and all upgraded. I remember lurking and following your pc grow and actually learning A LOT from it.

Ill tag along for the ride on this one too, plants look gorgeous and healthy!


Well-Known Member
Loving the support from everyone. just trying to learn with each grow. I figure the more I do it the better i will get at it.


Well-Known Member

Im about 47 days into 12/12 looking like I have another two weeks of giving them straight water.

Honestly I think I was over feeding them a bit much but never showed any signs of it.

Started to see purple all over the plant, so I guess thats a good sign lol.

She was leaning really hard this morning so I added some support.

Will update next weekend. Later fool wish me luck on my damn summer exams.


Active Member
those are really nice looking plants bro. I'm about to start a single matanuska thunderfuck plant under a 250w mh it just popped out of it's plug today and will be going in soil by the weekend once I finish insulating my new cab. Do you grow in your bathroom? I had a buddy years ago that used to do that he used 2- 400 watters on 3 plants in his tub, the room handled temperature really well and he used a lot of dryer sheets in his dryer to take care of the smell.


Well-Known Member

Yea so i decided to chop them today after smoking a sample i had cut off last week. Its done... id say its been a good 50-60 days of actual flowering because i dont count the first two weeks of the flip.