Dragons Love Weed


Well-Known Member
So I got a chinese water dragon this last week and decided to show him my grow box today. When I took him in my room and got the door cracked enough for him to even see the ladies he lept from my hand and straight onto my big lady and from there he ran all around them. When he fell off of one to the bottom of the box he just stood there looking up at them all as if he were trying to figure out how to get back to them. Here are a couple pics of him enjoying the buds
as thats cute, i would advise against it, resin in the eyes could create a big problems for reptiles, not to mention the have bacteria on them that i wouldnt want on my bud.
lol first it was a lady... then i went farther down and it turned into a man.

optical illusions ftw
Um me3 if you could please not post on this website ever again that would be awesome and if there is a mod that comes around please ban this member because those pictures have offended me highly thank you
This thread is fucked up to the max.. especially that last little video or whatever.. your fucking crazy me3
sort it out kev. im sure i dont need these images with my morning bifta, im not ready to move on from BUD-PORN yet. im very delicate...
I hadn't thought about getting resin in the eyes and diseases on the mj.

Yeah those were new thoughts to me as well. Im not sure there is diseases on my dragon, he is a clean fellow. I wanted to put a plant in the tank with him for him to climb on since I got a 75 gallon aquarium for him but the resin in the eye is going to keep me from doing that.
Better safe than sorry. I think your little guy would agree.
Yeah those were new thoughts to me as well. Im not sure there is diseases on my dragon, he is a clean fellow. I wanted to put a plant in the tank with him for him to climb on since I got a 75 gallon aquarium for him but the resin in the eye is going to keep me from doing that.
Hey lizards help keep bugs off yur ladies ive never had probs with them giving any plants diseases but beware of gila monsters they are nasty!
nice one mate cant do out till get powers but ive reporting it soon as i can ill sort it out john..hit my signature pal..