Dream analysis...

cookie master

Well-Known Member
So ill try and recount my dream but its spotty. I was in a strange town with a friend for a sports event/meetup of athletes. At a bar someone offered acid and I took it and it was strong, I was tripping pretty hard in my dream. Mostly thoughts and not visuals. I split up with my friend and didnt have his number, so I wandered. And this town had weirdos/crazy homeless people sketching me out with totally insane behavior near an elevator.
Then I found my friend and we went fishing. he walked into the water and I could tell it was muddy and weedy and hed get caught. He was drowning and I couldnt go to get him. A scuba diver showed and once pointed to he moved like a cartoon straight to the rescue, then my friend cried while recovering.
Next we were at an elevator, and as it came up it was old style with open shaft. There was a creature on top of it and he was making it move jerky.
I was scared to go in but then one friend got on top to take care of the demon, my other friend talked me into going into the elevator. So we went in and then got scared and exited.
The elevator came down halfway and the friend who went on top had been turned into a foot tall santa/elf squashed into a cube. I then remembered that that's what that demon did- shrink people. and I suddenly woke up able to remember alot of it a day later?
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Also when I picked up the santa doll my hand got cut and I was bleeding, bu then it wasnt bleeding and I realized I was tripping the fuck out, and then woke up.
I believe I can fly... So I went to one of the friend's house. His brother oded on heroin and he revived him the day I had the dream.
a young man had a vivid dream:
" I saw myself standing on a branch of a very large tree, and above me on the next branch there was a bee hive that was dripping with honey.
I walked to it trying to grab some of that honey. but no matter how hard I try I couldn't get that bee hive, all I got was very little honey that tasted real good but the taste did not last long and I wanted more.
While trying to get more of that honey, I noticed that there was a couple of rats, a black one and a white one near where the branch met the trunk of the tree. The rats were going in a circular motion the black rat following the tail of the white rat who also is following the tail of the black rat, cutting their way slowly into the branch."

Any wise man who can interpret this dream.