*Dream Interpretations - no liers pls (people who make up dreams they "had")


Well-Known Member

He hasn't done anything bad, I love him to death, which is why I don't understand the dream... unless maybe he has some sort of disease that I will have to choose to put him down for...

I hope I don't have to euthanize my cat, I couldn't do it.


Well-Known Member
damn thats a fucked up dream

i think dreams are to help you cope, like almost like your brain training and practicing and working issues out

like you start to remeber your dreams more when you are stressed out

im sure if you are fighting in the trenches you have dreams about fighting

this in turn is rememberd when you wake up

so if I always dream about a somone chasing me with a knife to stab me.

one day, if that actually happens to me I will be "ready" so to speak,

you know what i mean? its like the next best thing to actually expiriancing a situation

so your mind might playout an situation in your head that you are scared of,that way if it actually happends it wont be so shocking to you causing you to react in the proper way increasing your survivability?

i dont know im rambling

but like, worm, i garantee if you are ever sittin in the pool with you nephew in real life again and some guy comes walking up, i bet you are gonna sit up in an a somwhat alarmed fashion and say who the f r u? ready to pounce, and in real life you most likely gonna wear that dudes ass out if he trys anything funny:bigjoint:

as opposed to if you never had the dream you would sit thier thinking it was not threat:bigjoint:

unprepared to protect what you appearenlty care deeply about, your brain is preparing you instinctivly,
You just blew my efing mind man.. damn, that actually sounds plausible man. I would not hesitate to slit his throat. I'm puertorican so I always have a knife lol ;)

Big P

Well-Known Member

i had many dreams last night but this is the last one I can remeber from last night

I was out in the night life in a crowded club, with lots of people all over the place drinking and stuff, but i was pretty much alone in the crowded club except for aquantices that i saw at the club that i would slightly mingle with. My main goal in the dream was trying to find somone to have sex with,

but its was all crazy in there, drunk dudes wanting to fight, its hard to remember it in detail but one of the really drunk dudes gets into throwin fists at somone but somhow he missed and ends up hitting me hard sqaure in the eye shattering one side of my glasses and flushing blood out and injuring my eye grusomly but not severly

So im like f this crazy ass club and i grab my broken bloody glasses off the floor and go outside,

outside there are huge crowds of people in the street walkin like from club to club, club hoping i guess

i see these 2 hot chicks dressed in nice black dresses with like sikly thin fabric, were you can almost feel thier skin under the thin silky matirial

I walk up to them and to my great pleasure they allowed me to cut in between them and put my arms around each of thier waists to palm the silky fabric on top of thier bodies with me in the middle as we walked like i was some sort of bad ass with 2 chicks,

but my game is so real in the dream the I literally just was myself instead of trying to be a playa,

I tell them things about me that are negative or just matter a fact, stuff like that, mainly to be compleatly different than any other guy they had met before and at the same time illistrate my great confidence by telling them things that may not put me in a great light. But faults that I know every other man may have too but they would never admit it to 2 gurls they just met on the street.

anyway they instinctivly start thinking twice about letting be all up close to them, and once i peep this slight reaction I step aside from them instantly and advise them that this is how a real man is, and that if they want fake they will never get the real thing or somthing like that, its hard to remeber 100%

anyway it was cool cuz i didnt give a shit what they thought and they still dissed me but only cuz it seemed like they had to, due to gurl protocall:bigjoint:

anyway that was my dream

I have a lot of dreams where im drinking and trying to cheat on my wife:dunce:

you think this has anything to do with my dreams about moving back home & airports and or trying to get home?

I think it does, i think im dreaming about cheating on my wife all the time now.

i have kids and i love her but i still feel the need to breed with other mothers:bigjoint:

i hate not having varietly in my life,

I always been a guy who rearranges my furniture every few months to somthing compleatly differnt because I cant stand sitting on the same shaped room for too many months at a time.

like even if i smoke weed in the same room in my house all the time, i start feeling less high in that room, cuz im always high in that room,

but if I go on my back proch for a change and smoke there I will feel high

has anyone of you guys ever cheated on your wives here? isnt cheating better than breaking up a whole family over selfish reasons?

anyway i need an armchair therapist or just some advice.

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
Sounds like your dreams are about change. You are in a (complicated?)place you are unhappy and uncomfortable with and really want to get back to a simpler life (home).
Your inability to move could mean you feel unprepared to cope with opportunities or changes that have come your way.

Or I may just be a dumb ass.
Yeah it sounds like you are trapped and your uncertain of your future. You want change but maybe you don't want to put that pressure on your family.

I don't really remember my dreams. Most guys don't. I have had dreams that came true or while I was awake I hallunicinated and felt like I was living the same thing twice but couldn't tell you what would happen next and it freaked me the fuck out. It has only happened a few times in my life but to tell you the truth I actually dream about weed a lot. Since I don't remember my dreams maybe every night.


Active Member
I do not dream (retain memories) when I am high, I am always high therefor I retain VERY few dreams..

I honestly think dream interpretation is hocus pocus. I am biased however obviously.

The reoccuring dreams are completely explainable though.

Big P

Well-Known Member
ya you guys were right i forgot i posted these back in march but i finally got separated in september and the dreams tottally stoped about cheating, and traveling

i still get the weird one where i am at this small secluded house

Last night I had very weird dream that my son was stolen from me by these east indians, for some reson my son was black in this dream not sure why but after a couple attempts at trying and a huge ordeal I was able to close the deam with him securly in my posession again

anway just want to say trust your dreams they know you better than you know yourself

specially the reoccuring dreams are the ones to worry about like what vices said

Big P

Well-Known Member
I do not dream (retain memories) when I am high, I am always high therefor I retain VERY few dreams..

I honestly think dream interpretation is hocus pocus. I am biased however obviously.

The reoccuring dreams are completely explainable though.

ya most people cant really remeber thier dreams much, i didnt either but in the past year or so I have been drinking opium tea every few days, and this drug causes you to have very vivid and intense dreams mostly they get stronger and more vivid the more days that pass from the night you do the drug, i guess because of the stress caused by the slight widthdrawl from it

its weird but if I had a fuzzy dream that was hard to remeber, if I drink opium tea later that night about 10 min after I drink it I usually get this sudden thought of the dream I had the night before and can remeber it better all of a sudden,

that is one of the reasons I know its from the opium and its widthrawl symptoms


In my opinion, dreams are fairly easy to interpret as log as you can figure out whatever subconscious emotions/fears are linked to them.. For instance I rarely dream, but when I do it's always because I'm stressed out over or fearful of something, so it manifests in my dreams in a slightly unconventional way. I have a lot of bad dreams that directly relate to stress in my everyday life... But they don't bother me really because I know it's just in my mind