Dresser - 3 Sq. Ft. - 20,600 Lumens - Hydro


Drugs Taught Me Metric!
That fan looks badass! The roots are looking superb now as well. And don't worry about the topping mishap. Unless you completely severred it, there's a very good chance it will heal.
Haha, ya- I was real excited too see that fan laying in my basement. Got even more excited when those two fans popped out as easy as they did. Its kind of crazy- I figured today I would see a dead branch/leaf. Instead I seen the same green leaf with the same healthy looking branch... except with a battle wound.

Man I love this setup. These things are growing fast under your setup. They look good man. I enjoy reading your updates!
I was hoping someone else would enjoy checking this out. It feels like my only way to fill my new obsession. Love this shit! Just want to keep doing more and more... Then when I'm done- I get on here to post 20 pics in 1 post and check the other grows cause I can't stop fucking thinking about it. lol- hopefully you all like the pics.. it takes a few to upload. lol, my setup- never know what i'm gonna do next... A thermostat and timer is my next gadgets to add, will take a little re-wiring, trying to do a little at a time.


Drugs Taught Me Metric!
I to would not worry about cutting the branch. I have one plant that I snapped one of the braches to the point it was hanging from a small piece of meat all I did was tape it for a few days so that is stood on its own and it has grown great ever since!! Those plants are looking good by the way!

Thanks for the reassurance. That is crazy how they recover from stuff like that... I thought for sure after I did it, My baby would be 1 limb short.

On another note that I think is funny... lol it seems easy to point out the few who seem obsessed as I am with this whole growing thing. Amazing at how fast you guys respond to the picture updates- always seems to crack me up... I look forward to hearing the comments. I`ll keep you all posted.


Well-Known Member
haha you're just like me. It's a new hobby/obsession. Theres more to it then just growing a plant. Gardening is extremely relaxing.

Keep posting man, I love reading!!


Drugs Taught Me Metric!
haha you're just like me. It's a new hobby/obsession. Theres more to it then just growing a plant. Gardening is extremely relaxing.

Keep posting man, I love reading!!
Right on man. Your right on gardening being relaxing... Especially when you know all you put into it will pay off in the end. A few people in my Family were big into gardening but I thought I would never enjoy it. Still don't think I would grow a bunch of Veggies or some shit. I can't wait till these start budding up tho.. I am going to waste so much time just chilling by the cab.


Drugs Taught Me Metric!
Day 21 - pH 6.2 - 450 ppm - Temp 73 - RH 58%
Its late and not a whole lot to report. I brought the pH back to 5.8. The plants are def. looking bigger. I will probably start flowering this weekend after seeing how fast they start growing. We'll see on that though. I had to move the plants down a few inches because they grew into the lights and one of the leaves grew right into the fan and got her top pruned. What I think I really did when I topped those two plants was FIM'd one and Topped the other. Thats alright though because it will be good comparison to each other. There is 1 Topped, 1 FIM'd, 1 Normal bushy one and 1 tall slow ass growing plant. Thats IF they are female. Hopefully pic updates tomorrow.

forgot to say, the PPM dropped about 70 ppm from what it was yesterday so I added a little bit of gro and micro to the res to bump to 450. I will let it ride here until I switch it over to 12/12 then Up it a little more with a res change so I know I have a balanced n-p-k.


Drugs Taught Me Metric!
Day 22 - pH 5.8 - 434 ppm - Temp 74 - RH 62%
Plants are still lookin good to me. If I find the time this w/e I am going to rewire the lights and fan to be on timer running 12/12. The plants are doing really well and are starting to develop a flat canopy look. The PPM went down a little bit stayed pretty close to what it was yesterday, which is good. I will have more detailed pics once I start the flowering cycle... hopefully by Sunday.

Start with the Top View's of each plant.

A couple angled views

A couple closer up pictures to show how bushy these things are.

And for a couple root shots..As you can see in the second picture the roots are finally starting to drop.

Not as big of an update tonight but its late and im tired. Sunday if I am ready.. I will post a lot more pics.. good pics. I did not have to adjust anything today as pH, PPM, and temp were all fine. :joint:


Drugs Taught Me Metric!
Check out this 6 day comparison starting from day 16.
First pic is from 6 days ago, Second from 4 days ago, Third from 2 Days ago, and the last one from today. Crazy how much goes on in 2 days.


Drugs Taught Me Metric!
I'm absolutely loving these man.

Looking awesome, I love this grow, these plants, and your journal.
Thanks man. Trying to keep up with it. Its cool to go back and check out how fast/much they have grown. Keep checking back. :joint:

Day 23 - pH 6.0 - 315 ppm - Temp 81 - RH 71%
I wasn't going to do much today until I took a 'smoke' break to go up and stare for a few. Got to thinking.. I should probably start training these for the space there in... Thats what I did. Took a cheap $4 hot glue gun and glued some copper woven/semi-flexible wire to the tote lid around the pot. Then just wrapped the wire around the stems and bent the wire to move the branches where I wanted. I only did this to the two bigger ones as the others did not need it yet. The PPM has went down over 100 PPM in 1 night! My Water level has significantly dropped also. Seems the plants are really starting to drink up. So I got a wild hair up my ass and decided to mix up a gallon of some good ole healthy nutes marked up at 680 ppm. I am going to do a complete res change tomorrow but I was curious to see how much they would drink up. After adding that to the Res tank my PPM were about 550 PPM. I also decided to take that time and re-wire my lights to be on a timer. I actually just re-wired all of my lights to one single wall plugin cut off one of my Air pumps that took a shit. I plug the timer into the power strip when I Need 12/12 then just plug the lights right in to the timer, otherwise just plug the lights right into the power strip for 24/0. I will be building the Veg cab soon, I want to get some Clones off the females but I have to know there females first so I got a little time. I'm not sure if I already mentioned this but I think I will start flowering tomorrow sometime and also do a complete res change with Nutes mixed up for the long stretch there about to enter, then another when Flowering actually starts. Check back, tomorrow will be last pics of plants under 24/0.

EDIT: Forgot to mention, also added some Fan guards I made out of some left over 5" dia. net pots. My leaves kept wanted to grow up into the fan to get chopped.


Drugs Taught Me Metric!
Growing like weeds! And they are really guzzling that nute mix.
Lol, yeah they are. Funny I was just looking at the pics I posted the last time of the plants and just from remembering what they looked like a few minutes ago.. they are a lot bigger than those pictures so I guess see where the Nutes are going.


Well-Known Member
nice dude .. u love ur bubbleponics dont u :) haha

i kno i love mine so much im making another! haha .. i alreadty have the extra air stone/aurpump and water pump and hyrdroton .. i just need not pots that sit haha figures someting that cost .27centsx8 is holding me back lol


Well-Known Member
Looks good man.

You're going to have to give me a DIY on a bubbleponics setup (homemade with those big Tupperware containers) once my soil grow is nearing completion!


Well-Known Member
great idea i was just thinking about the same thing now i know where to learn how to set up my dresser veg room as and addition to my closet which soon i gonna use for flower only !!! Keep up the great work!!!


Drugs Taught Me Metric!
nice dude .. u love ur bubbleponics dont u :) haha

i kno i love mine so much im making another! haha .. i alreadty have the extra air stone/aurpump and water pump and hyrdroton .. i just need not pots that sit haha figures someting that cost .27centsx8 is holding me back lol
Hell ya man! I never imaged it like this. I will never try anything else. Good luck with your second.

Looks good man.

You're going to have to give me a DIY on a bubbleponics setup (homemade with those big Tupperware containers) once my soil grow is nearing completion!
Any day man, just let me know. This is honestly my first real grow and first ever hydro attempt so I don't know how much help I can be but I would be more than happy to share all the knowledge i have researched. I couldn't even Imagen what some of these would do under your lights. Like the dude said above.. I love this shit- even if you like soil- I would say at LEAST set up a small one and start a plant it... get a feel for it.. I bet you'll like it. Also one thing that I found cool and somehow overlooked when researching is that... the bubbles not only provide the roots with plenty of oxygen but also when the bubbles pop at the top of the water they spray your medium/roots/net pots with fine drops of water. I felt stupid after I didn't think about that before I had it hooked up.

nice grow man can't wait to see the end results
Thanks man. Haha, me either!

great idea i was just thinking about the same thing now i know where to learn how to set up my dresser veg room as and addition to my closet which soon i gonna use for flower only !!! Keep up the great work!!!
Yea, this would be a perfect Veg room with a little bigger (closet size) Flower chamber. In my case- I may end up just building a big entertainment stand with a TV in the middle and two Cabs on each side (Veg & Flower) with a small clone chamber in the middle that the TV would sit on. Probably wont be for a little while but I plan on doing it up. Start a journal man and let me know when you get it going. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Yea, this would be a perfect Veg room with a little bigger (closet size) Flower chamber. In my case- I may end up just building a big entertainment stand with a TV in the middle and two Cabs on each side (Veg & Flower) with a small clone chamber in the middle that the TV would sit on. Probably wont be for a little while but I plan on doing it up. Start a journal man and let me know when you get it going. Good luck.
Awesome idea...i guess in about 1-2 weeks i gonna start my journal. Good luck to you too!:spew::hump:


Drugs Taught Me Metric!
Day 24 - pH 5.3 - 423 ppm - Temp 76 - RH 58%
Plans didn't go how I wanted. Ended up watching the super bowl.. thats right.. Giants- Since I am a big Payton fan- I thought it was nice to see his lil bro stop the Pats and win the bowl. With that said- I WILL be turning the chamber on to 12/12 tomorrow night. I didn't end up going to the store to get more water... So I`ll take care of that tomorrow on my way home from work. As for the pictures- this WILL be the last pics of plants under 24/24. I took a lot to get a good idea of how much these plants change during flowering. Here we go.

I'll start with my DIY Carbon filter. At Lowe's, in their roofing section you can buy 3" Dia. "steel net" Chimney tops that coincidentally fit my setup perfect. I wrapped it with Carbon Filter and Zip Tied off. The second and third pics are the Fan guards I installed for both fans. Had a prob with the leaves growing into the fans- this should stop it and make use of those 2 extra 5 1/2" net pots I had lol.

Here is a top/angle view of the kids and one pic of each.

Here is a couple height measurements of my biggest two plants to give me a good idea of what they were before I started flowering. Small but bushy, just how I was hoping.

These two close ups are of the plant in the bottom left picture of top/angled view. This thing is SOO damn bushy I can barely see underneath its canopy. The nodes are so close. I tried opening it up a little by tying down some of the bigger branches. First pic is a little further out to give you a good idea of size, second pic is close up to see for real. This plant is only 4" tall.

These two pics are the under growth of the biggest plant- only 7" tall.

A Couple root shots 24 Days in.

Last two pics. First one is a clearer image of the plants back in there home. The second is just as I closed the top drawer for their last 24/0 night, for real.

That should give a good idea of where I am at before Flowering starts. I am hoping these don't get much bigger than 21-22", What you guys think?


Drugs Taught Me Metric!
And for the people who thought the last 6 day comparison was cool- here the 8 day comparison! lol... For those too lazy to flip back a page... First pic is of 8 days ago, second 6 days ago, third 4 days ago, fourth 2 days ago, fifth was today.
