Dresser Grow Cab Build / New Grow

ive got a stealth grow dresser ive had my mom over and i went through my yearly apartment inspection and they did not even know good luck....any questions pm me
u alive ?

yea my man lol

i was just gonna let this thread die cuz im not gonna use it

once i had it working and everything tweaked right , air flow , ventalation ect

i took it out to my building where it needs to be , but once i got it out their the temps skyrocketed over 110

and i just could not keep the bugs out no matter how muched i spayed

so i decided to take the fans out andput them in my micro cab with a little t5 set up
Damn bugs sucks man can u not get away with growing indoors ?

With the micro cab i have that i got the t5`s in yes

but i do not want anything bigger then that in my house thats why i took the dresser to my building

but i have an out door grow going on also , they have just started flowering so im looking forward to that at the end of the season
With the micro cab i have that i got the t5`s in yes

but i do not want anything bigger then that in my house thats why i took the dresser to my building

but i have an out door grow going on also , they have just started flowering so im looking forward to that at the end of the season

ah thats good then keep the t5 set up indoors less chance of bugs , good u got some harvest to look forward too aswell fingers crossed :)
ah thats good then keep the t5 set up indoors less chance of bugs , good u got some harvest to look forward too aswell fingers crossed :)

Mine are crossed to my man

i only have this little bit left that i got off that N.l i had in their to smoke on


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more than what ive got atm mate! all my plants are close to being ready im trying so hard to fight the temptation to chop early, id love a smoke right about now lol
Dont do that my man

you will regret it i can guarantee you that

iv made that mistake before and i deeply regretted it

i cut it and dried it and cured it , and i never got that hay smell out of it

it smoked ok but the high was not their

a quick 5 to 10 min head buzz is what i got ,

i wont make that mistake again lol
Dont do that my man

you will regret it i can guarantee you that

iv made that mistake before and i deeply regretted it

i cut it and dried it and cured it , and i never got that hay smell out of it

it smoked ok but the high was not their

a quick 5 to 10 min head buzz is what i got ,

i wont make that mistake again lol

That sucks took this one down cuz i dont have enough space and my friend wants mine out his cab cuz hes run out too lol so needed some room more than anything. I wont be taking anything else early but ill only harvest the ready buds and leave the small ones on the plant to ripen.
yeah mate done it a few times but i prefer a lazy mans grow , getting high off the shit plant i chopped this morning , guess its my first harvest , but im high and i forgot what i was gonna say balls , high for free :D
yeah mate done it a few times but i prefer a lazy mans grow , getting high off the shit plant i chopped this morning , guess its my first harvest , but im high and i forgot what i was gonna say balls , high for free :D


enjoy my man hahaha
yeah mate done it a few times but i prefer a lazy mans grow , getting high off the shit plant i chopped this morning , guess its my first harvest , but im high and i forgot what i was gonna say balls , high for free :D

well it taste better when u know u grew it yourself :clap: