Dried to much?


Active Member
I think i dried my buds a little to long. There crispy, but when u crush it up it smells so dank and smokes nice. But i want it to be a little moist. How do i get the bud a little less crispy?


Active Member
I think i dried my buds a little to long. There crispy, but when u crush it up it smells so dank and smokes nice. But i want it to be a little moist. How do i get the bud a little less crispy?
dry all the way through? put bud and orange peels, or potato slices in a jar for a day sealed


Well-Known Member
you'll get mold in a baggie fast. are the stems snaping yet. bet they need to dry aother day or two, when the stems snap jar them. watch for the first few days. you"ll see noisture on the inside of the jar open and remove the bud till that stops. you'll see the buds will be wet again after 24hr in the jar.


Active Member
you'll get mold in a baggie fast. are the stems snaping yet. bet they need to dry aother day or two, when the stems snap jar them. watch for the first few days. you"ll see noisture on the inside of the jar open and remove the bud till that stops. you'll see the buds will be wet again after 24hr in the jar.
Im starting to notice already that the buds are moistening up in the jar and the bag. And thats what im working with..


Well-Known Member
make sure you get the stuff out of the bag and let it air dry it it gets crispy again. after it's dry in the jar let it sit for a few weeks in the sealed jar.


Active Member
make sure you get the stuff out of the bag and let it air dry it it gets crispy again. after it's dry in the jar let it sit for a few weeks in the sealed jar.
I just picked up some half gallon mason jars at Ace Hardware. a 6pack for 10 bucks killer deal. I put them in jars today. Should i air out the bud every 6 or 8 hours? and for how long?


Well-Known Member
hey uhm, how do you cure buds?
from the growfaq
How do I cure my harvest with glass canning jars?

For personal stash, I got rid of the tupperware and paper bag stage a while ago. This method for glass canning jars gives the strongest aroma and best texture for smoking. Here's the procedure, it couldn't get much simpler..

1) Cut, manicure, hang your plants in a cool, dark place until totally crispy and smokable in a joint-- usually 5 to 8 days. Optimum conditions are 68-74 degrees F and between 50% and 60% RH.

2) Place gently into wide-mouth glass canning jars. Close the lid until buds sweat, usually 2 or 3 hours the first time. Open jars and let buds dry to crispy again. I only bother keeping large buds for personal stash but if you do this with shakier stuff, you have to get some air in there and turn the buds over. Larger colas usually have enough flow around them so you don't have to mess with them unless they are really touching each other inside the jar. I don't worry about "ooo damaging the ever so fragile buds" by turning them in the jar. Who cares if you lose 2% of the trichomes to the bottom of the jar, big deal... be gentle but if you have to move them around, so what.. just collect your skuff on the bottom of the jar and enjoy.

3) Repeat the sweating process-- open the jar until crisp, close until sweated. After about a week of this (depending on location), you get to that perfect point of curing where there is enough moisture to keep it smelling strong but as soon as you take it out of the jar to smoke, it crisps up and can be rolled.


New Member
from the growfaq
How do I cure my harvest with glass canning jars?

For personal stash, I got rid of the tupperware and paper bag stage a while ago. This method for glass canning jars gives the strongest aroma and best texture for smoking. Here's the procedure, it couldn't get much simpler..

1) Cut, manicure, hang your plants in a cool, dark place until totally crispy and smokable in a joint-- usually 5 to 8 days. Optimum conditions are 68-74 degrees F and between 50% and 60% RH.

2) Place gently into wide-mouth glass canning jars. Close the lid until buds sweat, usually 2 or 3 hours the first time. Open jars and let buds dry to crispy again. I only bother keeping large buds for personal stash but if you do this with shakier stuff, you have to get some air in there and turn the buds over. Larger colas usually have enough flow around them so you don't have to mess with them unless they are really touching each other inside the jar. I don't worry about "ooo damaging the ever so fragile buds" by turning them in the jar. Who cares if you lose 2% of the trichomes to the bottom of the jar, big deal... be gentle but if you have to move them around, so what.. just collect your skuff on the bottom of the jar and enjoy.

3) Repeat the sweating process-- open the jar until crisp, close until sweated. After about a week of this (depending on location), you get to that perfect point of curing where there is enough moisture to keep it smelling strong but as soon as you take it out of the jar to smoke, it crisps up and can be rolled.
great info i needed to know that also..bongsmilie


Active Member
make sure you get the stuff out of the bag and let it air dry it it gets crispy again. after it's dry in the jar let it sit for a few weeks in the sealed jar.
from the growfaq
How do I cure my harvest with glass canning jars?

For personal stash, I got rid of the tupperware and paper bag stage a while ago. This method for glass canning jars gives the strongest aroma and best texture for smoking. Here's the procedure, it couldn't get much simpler..

1) Cut, manicure, hang your plants in a cool, dark place until totally crispy and smokable in a joint-- usually 5 to 8 days. Optimum conditions are 68-74 degrees F and between 50% and 60% RH.

2) Place gently into wide-mouth glass canning jars. Close the lid until buds sweat, usually 2 or 3 hours the first time. Open jars and let buds dry to crispy again. I only bother keeping large buds for personal stash but if you do this with shakier stuff, you have to get some air in there and turn the buds over. Larger colas usually have enough flow around them so you don't have to mess with them unless they are really touching each other inside the jar. I don't worry about "ooo damaging the ever so fragile buds" by turning them in the jar. Who cares if you lose 2% of the trichomes to the bottom of the jar, big deal... be gentle but if you have to move them around, so what.. just collect your skuff on the bottom of the jar and enjoy.

3) Repeat the sweating process-- open the jar until crisp, close until sweated. After about a week of this (depending on location), you get to that perfect point of curing where there is enough moisture to keep it smelling strong but as soon as you take it out of the jar to smoke, it crisps up and can be rolled.
great info i needed to know that also..bongsmilie
Thanks to stumps and DD420 yall are seasoned vets in this game and we appreciate your help. i know i do thanks man:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I think i dried my buds a little to long. There crispy, but when u crush it up it smells so dank and smokes nice. But i want it to be a little moist. How do i get the bud a little less crispy?
of your buds are really dry and you want to make sure they dont get any dryer you can always put a bit of potato peel in with it. may also make it a bit damp.

you may sacrifice some smell and whatnot to do this no matter what you use but i know the potato peel works ok. jst open the whatever every now and then to check on your shit.