Drinking after quitting smoking?


I quit smoking cigarettes 30 days ago, and today is my first day not smoking weed because I don't have cash. I'm going to try to quit smoking weed until I can harvest my own first grow (I know, good luck with that).

But in times like this my body feels like it needs something. Particularly when I quit smoking cigarettes I just decided to reward myself and enjoy a beer or two to make things easier. But I've been drinking more at least twice a week and I'm not a usual drinker. Today I want to grab me a pint for the weed cravings.

Is this a bad idea? Would you rather have the feeling of wishing you had what you're trying to quit or take a chance and numb it out will alcohol until the cravings fade? Like I said I'm been looking forward to drinking more.
No point in becoming an alkkie over some weed n cigarettes. 30 days is awesome for cigs! I haven't been that far off em since basic training.
I am pro alcohol

smoking weed becomes habitual to some, although imho not addictive . what youre doing is looking for something to fill that habitual void.

best not too do so with alcohol, as alcohol can be addictive and than you will have problems ,
do something else instead, but if youre a responsible adult who can manage a beer here and there and dont let it become the norm ,
I have a glass of wine with pasta dinner on sundays thats a habit , mostly because im italian lol
I quit drinking booze many years ago, quit smoking a couple years ago and at Xmas I started eating healthy and only drinking water. Since March I haven't had any weed (moved to new state and have no connection) so now I drink again about once a week but I seem to drink a lot without really getting super drunk. Once my 1st grow produces (fingers crossed) I doubt I will continue to drink as I'm not a huge fan of how it makes me feel. When available I smoke ganja from when I wake up till I go to sleep and I am really looking forward to doing that again.