Drinking alcohol to cure a cold. Anybody ever done it?


Well-Known Member
Not sure where i should have posted this. Last year I had a head cold and while hanging out with my buddies at a small party drink A LOT of whiskey n beer. I was lying face down on the ground holding on as the world spun. I think I vomited. Anyhow next morning no head cold. Anybody ever heard of this happening? I just caught a cold again and I'm going for it as we speak. It has relieved my symptoms and feels good on my throat in my nose and in my body. I'm going to push the envelope and see what happens tonight.
1 part Scotch, 1 part BOILING water, 1 part honey.

Mix well

Retire under a warm blanket, drink away, sweat the bugger out of you.

Other alcoholic beverages such as rum or brandy can be used, or drop in a Jaeger for that extra "cough syrup" hit.

No, what happened was you felt better because the hangover was so bad, by the time you recovered from that your body had fought off the head cold.
1 part Scotch, 1 part BOILING water, 1 part honey.

Mix well

Retire under a warm blanket, drink away, sweat the bugger out of you.

Other alcoholic beverages such as rum or brandy can be used, or drop in a Jaeger for that extra "cough syrup" hit.

No, what happened was you felt better because the hangover was so bad, by the time you recovered from that your body had fought off the head cold.
I woke up without a nose full of snot and chest congestion. The cold was gone completely as in CURED but like I said I drank a lot. I think the high alcohol content in my blood for the extended period killed the virus or bacteria.
Alcohol will not "cure" your cold. Not even medicine will "cure" a virus cold. Generic night time Nyquil usually has some alcohol in it though as an inactive ingredient. The thing is large amounts of alcohol weaken your immune system. However small amounts of alcohol can be very beneficial. Liquid alcohol actually does not kill germs. It's the alcohol vapor that kills things. Your immune system is what kills virii. If you are sick from bacteria and need antibiotics, alcohol is not going to work as an antibiotic. https://www.quora.com/Does-alcohol-act-as-an-antibiotic-in-the-blood-stream You would basically have to drink A LOT of it to the point where you would be beyond dead for it to kill the bacteria. However you can drink alcohol while on antibiotics but the symptoms of being sick combined with the unpleasant side effects of large amounts of alcohol may not make it worth the risk.
best thing in my experience is to fuck the cold while it is young. Alternate getting hot and cold, eat really well, and make your body a very shitty incubator in general.

I'm a bit of a hermit so I am always very careful of other people's germs because my immune system must be a bit light as a result. I always get the flue or something when I'm forced out to social events.
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i believe you must have posted in the wrong thread......
best thing in my experience is to fuck the cold while it is young. Alternate getting hot and cold, eat really well, and make your body a very shitty incubator in general.

I'm a bit of a hermit so I am always very careful of other people's germs because my immune system must be a bit light as a result. I always get the flue or something when I'm forced out to social events.
i'm the same way, i stay away from people and stay well, as soon as i'm forced to go out in public, i get sick. my friends came to visit, we went to a couple of touristy attractions where there were a lot of kids, two days later, i have a respiratory infection. they should just dunk all the kids in alcohol whenever they take them out in public
Hangover not so bad, had to keep water by the bed, my mouth is super dry, lip cracked. Took down a large orange juice and ripped some skunk #1 from MSNL. This weed is really good. I think the cold fights the hangover. Ate some raw garlic with chicken and veggies and rice. Took a shot of apple cider vinegar. Nothing over the counter since onset of cold. The spicy food and garlic tasted really good. Again i think the cold fights the hangover. I should be a lot more hungover considering how much I drank last night. Symptoms felt improved gonna drink 7.0 % beer this afternoon. I'm not better yet.... My lady said I reeked of booze this morning and now she says i reek of garlic !!! :blsmoke:
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I once went to stag party where one of the guys made a curry with like a bag full of peppers.
It literally felt like a furnace got lit inside you, I could visualize it burning the crap germs dead.
It was so strong we had to order more coke and start drinking all over again as we were nearly sober by the time the sweat stopped.
Jagermeister. All the way.

The Deutsch don't drink Jager' to party like we do here in the states or in other parts of the world. Jager Meister literally translates into "Master Hunter" or "Hunting Master" depending on interpretation. It's use is to keep hunters warm and relatively healthy in the coldest and wettest of conditions and is often used to treat seasonal illness.

I am fully qualified of such an honorable mention in that I currently have two 55 gallon trash cans chalk-full of empty Jager bottles out back as we speak. Fernet-Branca is another of my favorite liquer-esque elixirs with benefits and should be explored. I've since stopped drinking ethyl alcohol myself and I refuse to let those trash cans move because they're my reminder. This isn't to say that I don't highly recommend either of these for their intended usage...

There is absolutely nothing better for your complexion; in aiding digestion; as an anti-inflammatory; sleep aid; astringent; anti-depressant; immuno booster; neurological tonic and aphrodisiac than those mentioned above.

Jager/Franet both will alleviate quite a few ailments at onset and well after incubation has set in. If you're already phukt then drink them anyway. Might as well make the best of a warm fire and NetFlix.
I am fully qualified of such an honorable mention in that I currently have two 55 gallon trash cans chalk-full of empty Jager bottles out back as we speak.
At the local German club they made a really made a really nice pilar out of JM bottles stacked like bricks.

The only time I drink shit like this is in the dead cold of morning outside at a trance party.
Not sure where i should have posted this. Last year I had a head cold and while hanging out with my buddies at a small party drink A LOT of whiskey n beer. I was lying face down on the ground holding on as the world spun. I think I vomited. Anyhow next morning no head cold. Anybody ever heard of this happening? I just caught a cold again and I'm going for it as we speak. It has relieved my symptoms and feels good on my throat in my nose and in my body. I'm going to push the envelope and see what happens tonight.

A little bit of hydrogen peroxide 3% in the ears and you also brush with a tiny bit with toothpaste.

And speaking of German - this was from a German doctor in the late 1930s.
1 part Scotch, 1 part BOILING water, 1 part honey.

Mix well

Retire under a warm blanket, drink away, sweat the bugger out of you.

Other alcoholic beverages such as rum or brandy can be used, or drop in a Jaeger for that extra "cough syrup" hit.

^He knows what's up. Especially for a sore-throat... A nice shot of brandy, some warm water and some honey. :hump:
When I drank I would all the time. I would take Jim Beam and put in a pint or half pint jar about 2/3 and then put some honey to taste and bee pollen. Shake before every drink. I would drink on it for a couple of hours or whatever through out the day. It work well most of the time. Now I just take bee pollen.