Drinking coffee

Haha, Rog.

I quit for 5 yrs (2011 thru 2016) but I vaped eliquid as a substitute (made my own and sold eliquid locally) . But I'm tryin to avoid one crutch for another. I guess I am a nicotine addict at 63 yrs old, been scatterbrained the past 2 days......I might start vaping again, I use super low liquid nic strength (3 mg)......Cigs have over 21 mg nic.
Haha, Rog.

I quit for 5 yrs (2011 thru 2016) but I vaped eliquid as a substitute (made my own and sold eliquid locally) . But I'm tryin to avoid one crutch for another. I guess I am a nicotine addict at 63 yrs old, been scatterbrained the past 2 days......I might start vaping again, I use super low liquid nic strength (3 mg)......Cigs have over 21 mg nic.
im a caffeine addict, i drink a pot of coffee a day, sometimes a pot and a half, so i try not to be hypocritical...if 3 mg gets you through the day...is it really significantly shortening your life? and if it is shortening your life slightly....do you want to live an extra year or two drinking spring water and eating lemon grass?....why do i want to stick around forever, if i have to live on muslix and plain yogurt to do it?
Ya, true. I'm 63 and have lived life without restrictions so far. I'm disabled due to a really bad back (29 yrs blacktop work).....but other then the back in decent shape.
Bought a nice air fryer for the wife this past Xmas, definitely works well for steak, shrimp and bacon. It really cuts back on fat. Now if I eat pan fried food I get naseous. It makes a huge difference on fat reduction. If you ever buy one get a LARGE capacity one, the small ones are pretty much useless.

https://www.kohls.com/product/prd-3402797/bella-53-qt-stainless-steel-air-fryer.jsp <-----does a good job
I set some pretty strict rules for my daily health, i quit smoking stoges the same way roger did, it wasn't even that bad for me even after 10 years & i don't allow alcohol in my house unless im having a party or some shit and i MUST do cardio/weight training 4+ times a week to keep myself in check, shit my resting heart rate sits in the mid 40's after pulling my head out of my ass lol but, one thing i have had the hardest time doing was dropping coffee in the morning or cannabis at night.
you said alk....which i interpreted as aak...as that is a popular medical fad at the moment......and alkaline leaves aren't a thing....as far as i can google.....
no, but they (green leaves and many veggies) are mainly Alkaline by nature with some exceptions. EG if you eat Spinach you will raise you internal pH. I suggest you might not have put in the most ideal search term? I found pages of information quickly

What I find amusing about human nutrition is that we study pH for plants and uptake of essential life elements, but we ignore this chemistry when we consider ourselves, as if we are somehow acquiring nutrients in a different way, or that chemicals react differently?
you said alk....which i interpreted as aak...as that is a popular medical fad at the moment......and alkaline leaves aren't a thing....as far as i can google.....
did you know for example, the world stopped eating comfrey leaves because of one story that isnt even true? eg that it, comfrey, gives you Liver cancer. #fail #fakenews You would need to eat so much comfrey that it would not be humanly possible, and then we can correlate this same impact to any food that one would consume, eg if we ate 3 tonnes of cabbage we would be ill. :-)